It felt like the more I hated you, the more I could count all the ways in which you did not deserve me. You are my pleasure, the only man I want to spend the rest of my life with. What is extremely confusing about that difference is how it could be possible to feel so much more confident and so much more insecure at the same time. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. You Can Be The Reason Someone Feels Okay In Their OwnSkin, 21 Things I Wish I Knew While Dating In My20s, This Is Jenna Ortegas Dance Scene From Wednesday, And Why Everyone Cant StopWatching. I hope in the end Im left with a scar or a sliver of pain so that Ill remember not to infect anyone with this near-debilitating sense of heartbreak. As my best friend, you've become everything to me. You were there when I failed. You deserve the world and I want to be the one to give it to you and I hope one day you'll let me. Valentines day love letter : An emotional sample letter, Emotional happy birthday letter to my wife, Letter to my son on his birthday : A beautiful letter, Texting games to play with your boyfriend/girlfriend over the phone, Lovely Happy Birthday Love Letter For Boyfriend & Girlfriend, Happy birthday love letter to my love : A romantic and emotional love letter, Emotional Happy Birthday Mom Letter From Daughter And Son, Happy birthday letter to mom from her daughter : A moving letter, Texts to make a girl laugh : 7 funny and lovely messages for her. Let me tell you something, you're worth every bit of this. To the man driving the school bus on May 20th 2010, An Open Letter to the Woman Who Sold Us a Sick Dog, An open letter to the guy I'm not giving up on. heart articles you love. Photo is owned by the author (selfie) Dear No. We complete each other. I decided that I am worthy of being respected. Youre still the epitome of everything I hope to never be. I wonder what it feels like to know the hot tears on someones cheeks every night are because of you. Its complicated for me. No one can, not even you. I have no idea how to tell you how much I care about you. I miss your laugh, your smile, and the way you used to look at me. Then you can Heart an article, boosting its "Ecosystem" score & helping your favorite author to get paid. I am sorry for every pain I caused you. Everything to me would taste like the ash of the bridge I had just burned. In as much as we fought, it doesnt mean I dont love you anymore. I won't lie, at first I felt really mad that you decided you were somehow better off without me. And I wish Id been more careful about who I let in my life, as I never thought Id be foolish enough to let someone in who was capable of such monstrous and hurtful actions. Im afraid that you might change, my love, Im afraid that you might not be the one I fell in love with anymore. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. But what I want you to know most is that I still love myself, and I still know what love really is. I can only hope that Im never in the position where I have to wonder if what Im doing will ever put someone else through this. If I am truly being honest here, the only person I really hated was myself. Letters Lea An emotional letter to my my boyfriend, to tell you I'm afraid, to tell you I don't want to lose you. If I told you that it is okay to be sad. And so I dont have the answers. I will be yours all the days of my life. These are just a series of sentences strung together and addressed to the holder of the fragmented pieces of my heart. I am happy for you from the bottom of my heart. Content here tells a story with the intention to shape narratives. Copyright 2012 2019 It took courage to stand in the face of your indifference with an open heart and an all-in attitude. I have no one to talk to, you know. He told you that he loved you, and you believed him. I dont want to lose you and Im ready to fight against myself so that it doesnt happen. Why Didnt They Call for That Second Date? I have no one to talk to, you know. For this reason, I am using this opportunity to tell you that no other woman is on my mind than you. At night, we lie side by side, never touching, never speaking. 3. I've been through it (far too many times), and I know you have, too, but you don't have to worry. Afraid of being the girl whos always on your back, saying you cant do what you love when what I desire the most is for you to be happy. Let me cry freely and break down in your arms when I need to, trusting me enough to know that I am a bad-ass bitch and Ive got this. A Buddhist Approach to Getting over an Ex. We'll continue to spotlight top response articles every week on our homepage and in our Overheard on Odyssey newsletter. I have decided, instead of hating you for hurting me, to leave you with these last two words. For more information or to contact her, visit and tune into her podcast, The Greater Dater. But what I want you to know most is that I still love myself, and I still know what love really is. I will cherish everything about you and put a smile on your face. You were my best friend and confidant. I know who I am now, and I dont need anyone to validate that for me. We're excited to hear from you! Now, I assume you should understand that I will never cheat on you, in fact, I heard that the DNA test carried out proved that all our kids are yours. The visions you each have for your relationship do not align. Thank you for the never-ending goodbyes, the tears that could not stop flowing, and the complete disregard for anyone but yourself. This is just a simple letter, one that holds pieces of my pain and also of my faith. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy. I made you a promise that I would always be here for you, no matter what. I love you, Panda. It is a love that I was taught when I was a little girl. God has given me a beautiful gift, and the gift is you. Not really. This is a response to How To Stay Happy In A Negative Atmosphere. I decided that I would be one hundred percent responsible for my choices in this instead of handing over my power to you as I had done time and time again. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Natalie Sophia. Elephant offers 2 articles/week for free. And also especially to tell you I love you. You see, I cant be you. You have shattered my heart, but you have not shattered my love. You hear me even when I do not speak. You, the one person i never thought would hurt and betray me is the one who hurt me the most. I dont want to Lose Myself in Love Again. And I wish I'd been more careful about who I let in my life, as I never thought I'd be foolish enough to let someone in who was capable of such monstrous and hurtful actions. In fact, your patience is a great motivation to me and through you, I become so inspired to do greater things in life. Is it something you think about on your way to or from work, knowing that they have probably cried the entire way on their own travels? These movements then deliver my thoughts and emotions into the minds of human beings who cannot be reached by the sound of my voice. It's free. (you are my better half; we make each other whole!). I love you, Panda. The brain behind Deedeesblog, Detola is an embodiment of creativity - With deep knowledge in Counseling and Photography, He started this platform to share happiness via digital contents in Relationships and Documentaries. You have been a darling to me and you will always remain a darling. I believe you will be able to recognize when something is wrong, too. All rights reserved. Allow yourself to rest. And so if how Im acting now is a little crazy, please hear me when I say that a weaker woman wouldnt have lasted this long, nor would she be handling this withnearlyso gracefully as I have. If you believe all of that. When I met you, I thought the worst of men and had lost hope because one man had hurt me so badly that no one wanted to pick up the pieces. Its giving yourself to the audience, and in a way putting your life out in the open. When you need advice, or when you just need someone to listen. When I told you I was broken, you pulled me close, held me, and whispered in my ear that I was beautiful. I loved you through every emotional part of the roller coaster you have brought into my life. When a Best Friendship Dies. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. I would just much prefer you let me know I am safe enough to take it all off when youre around. You are the most beautiful wife that makes me happy whenever I see you. I'll fight any battles you need me to, standing strong and loyal at your side. This piece was originally published with the Good Men Project; republished with the kindest permission. Please, dont listen to what our enemies are saying. Last week, our team tackled topics from 10 summer bucket list items to must-haves to keep in your car for a good time on the road. Copyright 2012 2019 You strengthen me physically but also emotionally and mentally. Let me explain to you what it feels like to be told you are perfect in every way and will always be taken care of. It wasn't love at first sight but I knew you'd play a part in my life. I loved you through changing circumstance and the rapid movement of time. I write real and fictitious stories about life, issues, love, loss, g, Cassandra Michael is a Holistic Trauma and Relationship Coach (MSc). No matter how long it takes to show you that I am never leaving your side. Whether or not you feel an ounce of pain or regret is really irrelevant in the end, I suppose. Id like to think that I would. With you, I found my missing piece I realized that with you my heart may not be broken. Every time you read, share, comment or heart you help an article improve its Ratingwhich helps Readers see important issues & writers win $$$ from Elephant. Let me cry freely and break down in your arms when I need to, trusting me enough to know that I am a bad-ass bitch and I've got this. So, I will probably allow a few more tears to fall down tonight in your honor. I cant do what you have done. When I needed to be told no, you didn't refrain. There is only one simple concept, and that is that love is the most powerful entity in the world. A long, long moment spent looking into each others eyes and smiling. This still hold true but now I'm an independent woman who has an anchor and pillar to hold her when she needs strength and calm. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. I'm here; remember that. No one can ever compare with how much impact you have made in my life. Why not join the Elephant community, become an Elephriend? A book I aint scared to open or close. This sets the stage so your loved one knows the letter's intent while also grabbing their attention. You are different and I would not give you up for anything in this world Ask me questions and let me answer before you come to conclusions. Thank you for showing me just how strong I am. I would still stare and adore you even at your worst. I am happy loving you, I am lucky having you in my life. //