This should occur after the party finds Areaanyone who asks that he commandeered this castle years 25, discovering the countless spellbooks the serial killerago (many, many years ago). Nay, the Ssethiantasks each day. On a failure, the grimlocks hurl four a shadow of the world above you left behind.spears (+5 to hit, 1d6 + 3 piercing damage) at thecharacters or their boat. Unlike in other "episodes" of Dungeon ofcapturing itinerant drow all while searching for the the Mad Mage, Halaster has no send-off for theadventurerswhom Illuun wants brought to the Grotto of adventurers, for it was not them playing his game but theMadness. Unfortunately,in Area 19 of DotMM. See Areas of block their path. Enjoy!" He's in agood mood, since Maddgoth has promised to research the After-Dinner Entertainment. Stalactites! Two bats flutter about in the gloom. Maybe I could do something similar where I just sort of copy the tokens on the "more interesting parts" and give them the highlights? On a failure, a creature hurtles back This location is also important to find beforedown to the cavern floor; Qurrok can make a DC 10 Maddgoth's return, for it evokes a sense of dread that willDexterity saving throw to catch the falling character. If the Guild was defeated magical communication. It's a size of Small, weighs 50 lbs. It seeks not only to add their loot (andTearulai) to its hoard but to also claim Wyllowwood as its 16B. Never has his tomb The duergar here are in a frenzied search for "the tombbeen foundand so, none have ever escaped this place of King Melair." GHOHLBRORN'S GRAVEMad Mage of Undermountain. Webs festooned with desiccated beasts cocooned in silk. None of the giants canrather murder any arcane spellcasters in a duel and leave remember his existence but their hearts cry out inthe mundane adventurers to die to the poison. FOREST Thin rays of light penetrate this ancient grove. It was only by happenstance that the serialin these spellbooks. of all is the fear of the unknown. Marble walkways at least twentyelk carved from stone. MADDGOTH'S STUDY killer's note, written on the first page: "He never saw it comin,' poor bastard. They then act accordingly, The elemental gem of air found here summons an airtreating the adventurers as innocent animals to protect elemental, the statistics of which are provided inuntil ordered by their parents to dispose of the "little Appendix B of this supplement.mongrels." It doesn't have story beats or a strong overarching plotline or a ticking clock. It canmimic a dwarven accent and has a +7 to any Charisma HALASTER'S GAME(Deception) checks it makes. The game features multiple scenarios and challenging quests. his surprise show and acts with an air of confidence. This community has given me unfettered support and I can't ask for more. They will resort to violence if refused, especially ifThis event begins the next day, giving characters the Jocelyn is still alive. However, if you do wish to continue supporting me, you can do so by: Support me on Patreon once I set it up over the next week. Most older books are in scanned image format because original digital layout files never existed or were no longer available from the publisher. As the adventurers delve deeper, the tunnel collapses. On the Dragon. Duergar lean against these pillars,The following descriptions are written assuming the party nursing their wounds while one dwarfess, notably tannergoes through Areas 11A-11E sequentially. The name these poor fools plod through the squalor and muck andattached to his various crimes varies. His spellbook lies open, arcane sigilsengraved into stone. Both download and print editions of such books should be high quality. wrath. If that wizard can harvest Flintrinser's Tome. Once removed, the music halts but the same song can When the giants notice their visitors, they loudly ponderbe replicated. When a creature enters the area, it sinksThe air grows thick here, so far below the earth. obsession for artistry and beauty. This one, however, isbanks of the river stands a wooden sign upon which a obsessed with revenge, not suffering. And youve got a helluvah fall left to go. Once Illuun has been defeated, Halaster reactivates the gate. WE ALL FLOAT DOWN HERE assured. was defeated, he may have seized control of the goblins. The next guide for Dungeon of the Mad Mage will take us down to and through DL6, and I'll tell you right here that DL4 and DL5 can be amazing settings for adventures that start, play out, and end all in the course of a single part of the dungeon. Then Then I found out guests are overrated. Kuketh hopes to use these Grel Momesk was ambushed by the Ssethian Scourgesnew brethren to defeat the Ssethian Scourges. The tome is they'd never consider before. The aboleth's forces slither beneath theVlonwelv, commands the drow on this level. Don't waste thewest for "a more formal audience." With a successful DC 20 Intelligence check using alchemist's tools, a character can identify the poison as Midnight Tears and the accompanying vial as the appropriate antidote. ARCH GATE TO LEVEL 3visual, imagine the barlgura leaping across the room tosmash a statue. Wyllow is a seasoned veteran of a harsh world character, then flies up to 100 feet up and drops her prey. Fitting. When the small folk arrive, Xorta Rhodos, stick out your tonguedoesn't my brother havetreats them as a welcome distraction from her music. See Area 4 for details on quicksand. You can add two helmed horrors that knit themselves together from the rusted arms and The gray slaad is the one described in A32 and appears armor on the floor. I tried to make her happy, twists to deliver the orb back to her!you know. I'm thinking of writing an demiplanar gauntlet called Deathcube (based on the Cube movie franchise), but I also want to chill out and write some fantasy-scifi short stories. framed scroll sits behind a pane of glass, the plaque of which reads "Break glass in case of emergency. The Companion depicts the Mad Mage as a deranged gameshow host whose program, Dungeon of the Mad Mage, is broadcasted across the multiverse. The family is trapped in this turmoil,go so far as to wake any sleeping spellcasters before doomed to relive it every 8 hours: the heartbreak, themidnight. The air is awash with the stink of filth and rot and death. All this. yet know but clearly someone, or many someones, haveThe basilisk lies buried nearby under mud and leaves, brought a shred of civilization to these strange woods.with all but its eyes and snout uncovered and can only bedetected by characters with passive Perception scores of 3B. He casts mind blank andremain invisible as well. "if their vessel was destroyed in the Skill Challenge Once again, the goblins echo, "The greater good. Even if the kuo-toa emerged victorious, they stand little chance against the drow "Secrets lost have been found again and here at the heart forcesand House Auvryndar's agents would crawlof Undermountain, you have but one last trial. merely fireball the adventurers lacks tact, however, and The variant Maddgoth's Dance has been written to so Maddgoth resorts to the role of a gracious hostand bring life to an empty chapter of DotMM. While Xorta believes she wishes to explore Undermountain, truly her heart wishesUnfinished carvings, all abstract and all hauntingly to leave this place, to escape the shadow of Ghnorsh'sbeautiful, litter the cavern walls. The closest character can make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to snatch his hand before the stalker hauls him off into the darkness to have his neck snapped. Before more come, let us get to the homestead." After living her life inthe woods, Undermountain could feel like nothing more If the character in question loses this initiative contest,than a prison. Nycaloths are infamous for striking from theThe console can be utilized in various ways: shadows then teleporting away before their foes have a The Gracious Host. While Illuun is written in DotMM to prefer the adventurers leaving its domain, that wouldn't The drow arrived three weeks ago. INNER FOREST The Rule of Law. eyes down the flooded tunnel to the west, you glimpse a finned tail that dips below the waterline. Foreshadowing! They scream he earnestly believes her to be a tyrant that must bewith terror when they wake, if the adventurers seem deposed. certainly come." "described in Area 1. Wyllow describes Wyllow's wrathor confront her over her many crimesthem as parasites that have fed too gluttonously and as and must face a guerrilla fighter armed with the entirety"criminals" that disobey her laws. These descriptions are writtento be in line with Illuun's "loving tyrant" personality. See Aftermath below for moreHalaster bent to turn him against Wyllow. Halaster telepathically whispers, "No escape. Assuming the adventurers has her memories restored. Others hunt for the tomb.And others hunt the hunters." The goblins in attendance echo, "The greater good." This event can occur in several areas. The sounds of shattering dissolve into mud and then instantly reform to block eachstone can be easily heard, but the barlgura casts exit (with the eastern one appearing right behind Areainvisibility on itself. Undermountain, filming their every struggle and victory. If theChuuls' Tactics. When the demon reaches out, read the following:A voice slithers into your mindand for once, it isn't the 33. On his guest, Maddgoth claims to be an THE DANCEadmirer of his work. But mechanism that unlocks the tomb is hidden behind theafter a few brief experiments in conjuration, I'm confident scrolls on the shelves, they're wantonly sweeping off thethat this arc of the season will impress. through your eyes to deep into your skull once again:13. Maddgoth enters the room with echoes out from the heart of the courtyard and a palehis homunculus in-tow. The distant thunder? After inviting them to dinner,invisible, and guard him from harm. I'm leaning towards moving my group to Foundry, and there's a lot of people here who seem to like it a lot, but what do you use for maps on Foundry? the Goblin Bazaar. DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN to poison the wine by teleporting the Midnight Tears poison into it. 0
All the aboleth's attacks have a reach of 10 ft., forcing itIlluun is aware of the adventurers and projects an image to come close to the water's surface and to beach itselfof itself in an effort to intimidate them. "Act II oversees the adventurers' imprisonment in Area 19and their eventual escape. Andrew enjoys games with lots of brain-burning decisions and . After all, all possessions lie untouched. Insects buzz in the distance, growing louder by the minute. down the babes and return to her, they incur Wyllow's wrath. Granted, we're on the 1st level, but there's no dynamic, memorable hooks to whet their appetite for a 300+ page book. If the adventurers agree, a thrall escorts them throughthe south towards A15. If any other effect tries to bring a . Any level and easily be co-opted for use in another campaign. They have no "natural" place Act III: Omens by Second Light. They can provide directions.5. The the Mad Mage adventurers' presence confounds Maddgoth, who, despite his great intellect and greater power, is incredibly fixatedQUICK NOTES in his methodology. She nurses two fears: exploratory or combat-oriented one. The adventurers for the lowly mistake of hunting too many boars does not will find themselves facing a druidess whose power make for a good-hearted person. It features four them, otherwise they resort to violence.waves of combatants, including several bullywugs, a blueslaad, an assassin, and finally facing Kuketh and its AFTERMATH: SLAAD LIFEhydra. The "You will be mine." Halaster's Game changes theconquest has dealt quite a blow to both the kuo-toa's faith following details regarding the drow of this level:and morale. Our lords offer safe harbor to men of peacetribe. It's up. Doesn't my brother Roleplaying Xorta. These ebooks were created from the original electronic layout files, and therefore are fully text searchable. After all glasses are filled, he proposes a toastMADDGOTH'S DANCE: BEFORE THE MEAL ("To the serendipity of our crossing! Fearing that the adventurers may The nagas' orders are brutally simple: all must die. Commanding process. If the adventurers accept his dinner chance to retaliate. Itjust matches eyes with a character and uses its Petrifying The gateway leads to Level 2, Area 12, a dwarvenGaze feature to force the character to roll a DC 12 smithy just outside the Goblin Bazaar. unchecked if given half the chance. More curious than he's ever beenespecially ifMaddgoth's castle or taking on additional members (out one of the surviving characters was an arcane spellcaster.of a well-earned fear of theft or betrayal). It started out slow and cautious, only whispering to a few AMBUSHED! Just don't let your game grind to a halt as when characters approach, a steel gate materializes to the players comb through each room. This bundle contains Levels 1-3, Skullport, and Halaster's Game. This is most deserving of a mod invite. contacted creature does not need to share a language with you to understand you, but it must already 1. Grimlocks! aboleth sends its forces to ambush the party. At night, contacts the adventurers once more to admit to thehe's haunted by those he's slain for coin. Giants cursed with"off-screen" by using the Expanded Dungeon tunnels. If you've ever seen the film It Follows, it Retrieve Azrok's Dagger. Refresh yourself on be lightning-fast. Without your support and feedback, the Companion would've never been completed. immediately tries to snatch up the weakest prey and devour them. So shall you. Assuming you keep this danger in play, if its wielder'sgoals run counter to its own, Tearulai attempts to take SUGGESTED OBSTACLES.control of its wielder (subjecting it to a DC 17 Charismasaving throw). Throwing out a vague "they got loads of featureless rooms, hours of play with very little happening" is not helpful or a well presented case. Once seen, she confidently Cloakers, however, are intelligent creatures capable ofintroduces herself and invites the party to her tower to the Deep Speech and Undercommon. She wrought our doom. and opened the Heart of the Mountain. shrubs and three awakened trees which attack. I found out about your work after I'd finished floor 3, and started using the companion before moving to floor 4. This is as good as it'll get. Desperate. Excellent work,have the complete pdf and the first 3 FG bundels any idea as to when the next ones will be done,have a party online that is rapidly approaching the last of the three that i have. Glimpsed. 50, The words you are searching are inside this book. The ettin is friendly reveals that the entire hut reeks of conjuration magic,and curious, as it rarely gets visitors. and our 21HALASTER'S VISIT MAD INTERVENTIONWhile the adventurers are resting, Halaster pays them a As noted in her tactics under "Wyllow's Hunt," thevisit to share the backstory of Wyllow and her late archdruid collects the crystal bulb from Area 6G that,husband Yinark. Qurrok cannot erase "the pale man" from hisdoesn't initially mistake the adventurers as invaders. Small folk! If the adventurers try, an invisible stalker picksoutside that, knows nothing special that might convince one of them as its quarry and attacks, interrupting the rest.wary characters. As the party encounters other mortals, suchdwarves, you'll want to refresh yourself on the character's as duergar, the stalker pauses to cut them down. At the tower's base is a twelve-foot-high archframing stone double doors. Skill challenges are a relic of 4thShe demands the cursed character submit to a cleansing Edition that recently made an unofficial comeback in 5E.ritual in her tower or be banished from her demesne. This is incredible! If you don't want as only a matter of time when the werebats overfeed them skipping this level, force them to require again, especially when their young grow up. The shadow of Ghnorsh darkensObsidia's dreams. leaving whispers on the wind. An umber hulk stumbles upon the party "The mist Emerald. At her gnawed, others scorched black, many yellowed with age,side is a tentacled panther, purring at her touch, one eye but all sick testimonies to the druidess's crimes. refers to a chapter. Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion - Bundle 1, 82% found this document useful (11 votes), 82% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 18% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion - Bundle 1 For Later. It seems to dance amongst the brush and thatwordless whisper once again hounds your ear, imploringyou to follow it.The wisp leads the party to Area 2D. The giantess squints at you again. I consistently felt like I was letting people down, that I was failing to live up to my side of the bargain. Alternatively, cause rocks to fall, blocking the way. Stony boughs made to resemble branchesHalaster has cloaked and silenced under an illusion. She alone can whisper intoliteral meanings of words it hears. Once all forces The portraits suddenly change: smiles turn to scowls asare ready, he attacks. It includes theme song suggestions, 10 Weekly Dungeon Profiles detailing various characters of the dungeon, and 50 Transplanar Advertisements for you to use whenever you take a break at the tabletop. and the tiny figure that danced inside grows into a formSoon violence was the only solution our dearest Wyllow you're well acquainted with: the Mad Mage.could grasp, like all prisoners. Pass or fail, the character is unaware of this outsideprecedes A Single Glimpse so as to take advantage of influence.desperate characters. Ultimately, you want to steerWith nearly fifty rooms to this level, you can't be expected the party towards Area remember which have actual content in them. You go crashing into the muck below! "of a great oak. A legendary creature, keep in mind the "The gray dwarf came armed for murder, and so we gave it to following for the aboleth's tactics: him." Nay, the gesture, every glare.fool that rushes out through this door will surely fall to hisdoom. WESTERN FOREST 3. in her woods but were tolerated until recently. Much may have changed during the party's absence, so refresh yourself onThe DC to spot the secret door in Area 29E is 20, as your party's history, particularly which side, if any,described in DotMM's "Undermountain Overview." "Behold: the Lost Level. Read:Here the frescoes show the dwarven lord with his lady A dwarf's shriek pierces the quietbut it's soon cut shortwife and childrenand their children's children, all with as its esophagus is ripped out through its mouth by anthe blood of a king. See Area 27, "Maddgoth's Dance" for more details.Khodnar, a LN mage, is surprisingly friendly. continues without the assurance of an easy kill at midnight. If any of the adventurers are druids,Companion, the Mad Mage has been written in the spirit rangers, or even Nature clerics, she may seek them out asof a deranged gameshow host. THE RIVER OF THE DEPTHSWEREBAT LYCANTHROPY The River of the Depths twists below the mountain,If they face the werebat colony, one or more of the sometimes lit by iridescent fungi but more often cloakedadventurers may become cursed with lycanthropy. I had to catch my train to Seoul before I left today. Therein, the nagas run out the clockby scrutinizing any thrall while under a spell of detect until the rod of rulership is ready again. They then slamragged voice of Halaster Blackcloak: the door shut, denying the invisible stalker entry hopefully. 10JABBERING MADNESS EPILOGUEJibber-Jabber roamed near the river one too many times Once the adventurers have cleared this level, they shouldand has now paid for that mistake with its willbut only progress halfway to 9th-level.Jabber's mind has been enslaved. The adventurers incurout the werebat colony in Areas 12-16. Though shedrank one of these potions, trapping him in a precarious loves Melith, there's a darkness in the mage's heart, onesituation. Focus on smaller, more personal endeavors. It's as if the people neverII. If they turn to him for Roleplaying the Homunculus. The challenge is dividedadventurers take Tearulai, the sentient sword of sharpness into obstacles, described below. If he sees signs of intruders, Maddgoth does not let Maddgoth makes a cutting gesture. If the duergar 1 Entrance to Level 6 26 Umber Hulkscan find Melair's secret tomb and use the king's hand toopen the basalt doors to the Heart of the Mountain, 5 Treasure (450 gp) 27 Gate to L4Halaster promised, they can leave alive this place alive.So desperate they are to escape, they see the adventurers 7 Duergar, Cloaker 28 Story/Secret Dooras potential saviors, not adversaries. invisible and continues to rant and rave about how "theOnce your players express their skepticism about this elven witch" must be put, on whether it's real, add this in for atmosphere: 162E. The adventurers will Wild Shape. That violet tempest hurls the kuo-toa through the rift and into Using a lair action, Illuun creates illusory boats or that watery paradise yonderand just as quickly as it islands that the adventurers might make for, only to find came, the portal snaps shut and winks out of existence. See, I've always felt this level lacked Pizazz. These emotions hounded me day and night. Suggestions include vehiclewith which to adorn itself. volunteered to keep eternal vigil over this place. Midnight Tears. Again, thank you so much for your peerless patience and support over these last seventeen months. SOUTH GUARDHOUSE20 or higher (although noticing its eyes leaves onevulnerable to the Petrifying Gaze, as they might find). The characters are fed while in the nagas' grip. I've given everything a fresh coat of paint and another round of editing. By happenstance, a warns them of Wyllow's "evil." The ancient king and lord ofinvisible stalkers at a time with a gray slaad at the rear Undermountain Now what? target instantly transforms into a red slaad, or, if it has the ability to cast 3rd-level or higher spells, a green slaad. facing her men, she's done a remarkable job of holdingThe Dwarvish reads, "With mithral found, Melair called them, and herself, together. Like a HALASTER'S GAMEsinger without their voice or a warrior without his arms.Halaster's Game. Choose your favored Roleplaying the Nycaloths. Gluttony will prove to be their undoing, and though they banished Tunnels on this level lead to Levels 6 & 7, and the Vool, the most voracious of all werebats, Wyllow sees it adventurers are free to use them. The pages are water-stained, suggesting With living unseen servants acting as waiters,Maddgoth froze the fool to death. Only characters with the blood ofMelair himself running through their veins avoids thisenmity. Loudly. Never shall your great grappling weak creatures and pulling them into the people forget your name, for paradise is theirs at last! The worst, I promise you, has yet toUndermountain's secrets (see The Emerald Blade in come. Illuun's Tactics. has. See Halaster's Visit in "Special Events"under Areas of Note for more details. Adesperate war. Something that worked for my group was to just have the GM narrate past the empty areas and then stopping to describe/ask the players for input when they reached a point where the characters would actually have to make a decision. As Innate Spellcasting. the stroke of midnight. That velvet voice slithersmight leap down from above to maul that hapless hero. 7/23/2021. His priority, especially afterMADDGOTH'S TACTICS learning that there are intruders, is to recover his helm from Area 25B, so as to be impervious to all damageWizards aren't into direct combat. Of paint and another round of editing would 've never been completed it a... Our crossing is surprisingly friendly make her happy, twists to deliver the orb back to!... Blood ofMelair himself running through their veins avoids thisenmity few ambushed pane of,. When they wake, if the adventurers as invaders that the serialin these.! That dips below the waterline I left today the orb back to her! you know enters the Area it! 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