When hypercalcemia happens due to a benign condition or temporary situation, it generally has a good prognosis. As such, you need to know the right amount of calcium to feed the bearded dragon. People who have hypercalcemia due to cancer often experience symptoms and require frequent hospitalizations. However, you should be on the lookout for signs of hypercalcemia which occurs when the beardie absorbs too much calcium. Your tank though is excellent, it looks very nice. Hypercalcemia can interfere with how your brain works, resulting in confusion, lethargy and fatigue. Health. Calcium is essential for growth in bearded dragons. Thank you for the support! [sentience and science], Bearded Dragons Eat Mice [& healthy options], Is my Bearded Dragon Fat or Skinny? (2018) Maders Reptile and Amphibian Medicine and Surgery- E-Book. Decrease in appetite. The most common cancer types that cause hypercalcemia include: Lung cancer. Sometimes a picky beardie will eat only selective veggies from his feeding dish and avoid the others that may be more nutritive. It may also be drooping down, and their beards may be black due to stress and discomfort. When hypercalcemia is severe, the vet might recommend medication that will help control calcium levels in the bearded dragon. Extreme elevations in calcium levels may cause coma. But if you have a severe case, it can affect different parts of your body. Hypercalcemia will result in your bearded dragon becoming sick and, in some cases, it is fatal. Fatigue. (Eds.). Treatment depends on the cause. The insects are fed a diet that is nutritious for your bearded dragon 24 hours prior to feeding them to your dragon. Other symptoms of weakness are being shaky and unwilling to move. Many bearded dragon owners dont realize that you can give your beardie too much calcium. To avoid this, it is crucial to adhere to the feeding schedule provided by the manufacturer. kidney stones. Just be sure to avoid giving them calcium-rich foods along with that calcium. van., Hendriks, W. H., Poel, A. F. B. van der. (2016). fractures. It can lead to many health problems and, in severe cases, death. Hypercalcemia can be mild or severe and temporary or chronic (lifelong). The professional may perform a physical exam on the reptile and blood tests to ascertain that the bearded dragon is suffering from hypercalcemia. It requires generation of a choline isotope onsite. You should sprinkle calcium powder lightly over their food every day, and you should keep an eye on their weight and activity level to ensure they get the amount of calcium they need. These tests allow healthcare providers to detect abnormally high calcium levels early. They end up not being able to move around as easily without experiencing pain and stiffness in their body. Most of the cases about 90% are due to primary hyperparathyroidism and cancer-related hypercalcemia (hypercalcemia of malignancy). Your body normally carefully controls the level of calcium in your blood, but certain medications and conditions can result in high blood calcium levels (hypercalcemia). For growing reptiles, the required calcium to phosphorus ratio is 2:1. Symptoms due to high calcium level may vary, depending on the cause and how long the problem has been present. You may notice your beardie has a sluggish appearance, lethargic behavior, and constipation if he or she is consuming too much calcium. Vitamin D3 given as a supplement orally is not as effective as it is from giving access to sunlight without any barriers between the UVB and the bearded dragon. More severe and/or long-term cases of hypercalcemia may cause the following symptoms: More frequent urination and thirst. A fresh look at metabolic bone diseases in reptiles and amphibians. Excessive intake of vitamin D, vitamin A or calcium supplements. NAVO Revised. In this article, we will discuss what hypercalcemia is, its symptoms, and how to properly treat it. While hypercalcemia is super rare, its better to know the symptoms to watch out for in case you accidentally give them too much. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Read on for more information on hypercalcemia, how to spot it, and how to prevent your dragon from getting it. Dusting refers to coating food (both vegetables and insects) with powder supplements before being eaten. The rest of the body has to absorb calcium from the bones and muscles, leading to muscle and bone problems in early development and even later in life. Getting calcium for bearded dragons right is crucial for good health. Exploring The Facts About A Popular Pet Reptile. When dusting calcium on foods, make sure to not feed them the calcium too often. It can be very dangerous and potentially lead to death if left untreated. Holding A Bearded Dragon: When Is The Right Time? Calcium is one of the most important and common minerals in your body. And most often, it's just one of them that develops a tumor of it. Depending on their age and size, Use aviary wire mesh or similar on outdoor housing. A microscopic view of metabolic bone disease Metabolic bone disease (MBD) in bearded dragons is a condition that causes their bones to form improperly. As the muscles and soft tissues stiffen, there will be a lack of mobility. It may also be drooping down, and their beards may be black due to stress and discomfort. Dr Amna Ahmad is a Doctor of Veterinary Science graduated from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. With the right calcium supplement, you can ensure that your Bearded Dragon gets the calcium it needs to stay healthy and happy. They may include: Digestive symptoms, such as nausea or vomiting, poor appetite, or constipation. Switch to a non-thiazide diuretic or blood pressure medication. Calcium supplement meant for humans can also be used. Bearded dragons may be fed calcium with or without vitamin D3. Normally, if there isn't enough calcium in your blood, your parathyroid glands secrete a hormone that triggers: This delicate balance between too little calcium in your blood and hypercalcemia can be disrupted by a variety of factors. Oxalic and phytic acids bind to calcium making it unavailable. 1. Examples include: Kidneys. Together they are referred to as calcifediol. If you have cancer that can cause hypercalcemia, your provider will likely want to regularly monitor your blood calcium levels. Prognosis, like treatment, depends on the cause and severity of hypercalcemia. Supplementing the diet with calcium alone is of no value unless you provide UVB exposure to your bearded dragon. Other causes of hypercalcemia include cancer, certain other medical disorders, some medications, and taking too much of calcium and vitamin D supplements. Severe cases can cause confusion and coma. There are other methods as well that come in a liquid form. Treatment and prevention Diagnosis involves looking at the patient's history, clinical signs, radiograph (X-rays), bloodwork, including those that measure blood calcium level, among other tests. At the late stages of pregnancy, she will refuse food. van den., Leeuwen J.P.T.M. Broccoli, Kale and Bok Choy are rich in calcium but also have high oxalate and goitrogen content that negatively affect their nutritional importance. You can get sick from touching your bearded dragon or anything in its environment, and then touching your mouth or food and swallowing Salmonella germs. Depending on their age and size, theyll require a certain amount of veggies, protein, and calcium. Hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia are medical conditions that both have to do with the amount of calcium in your blood the difference is how much. This can be done by sprinkling powder on the insects (like mealworms, crickets, fruit flies) and veggies or just mixing them by placing in plastic bag and shaking gently to get these insects and vegetables coated more evenly. Your bearded dragon will have difficulty walking and climbing. Too much calcium in your blood can weaken the bone s, create kidney stone s, and interfere with how the heart and brain work. If they are fed, feed in small portions alternating with other foods. B. G., Heijboer, A. C., van Leeuwen, J. P. T. M., Hendriks, J. P. & Kik, M. (2013). link to What Vitamins Do Leopard Geckos Need. In research by Oonincx et al (2015) the stomach contents of 10 free ranging (wild) Pogona vitticeps were analysed. Your dragons first visit can cost anywhere from $75 to $150, and may include a series of tests to ensure that he is in good health. Dragons require high temperature for proper feed digestion so temperature of vivarium should be high enough to proper utilization of feed in intestine (heat lamps orlight generated heat source can be used as if needed) Should be given free access to water to avoid dehydration. 5 Levels higher than 14 mg per dL (3.5 mmol per L) can be life . Bruce, H.M.; Parkes, A.S. 1950. Symptoms include: Calcium deficiency also leads to nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism (aka NSHP, metabolic bone disease). They may even walk strangely and significantly less. information and will only use or disclose that information as set forth in our notice of Bearded dragons do not need calcium every day. This step will ensure that the calcium-phosphorous ratio is balanced and will help to keep a dragon safe and healthy. A swollen beard will be slightly raised above the neck. When they are placed on the back the light can glare into their eyes too much & the UVB is not going directly onto them but bounces around too much. Such efforts include providing foods with a calcium to phosphorus ratio above, proper UVB light, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3 supplements, calcium supplements, and gut loading insects with calcium-rich foods. The drug might also correct some of the signs of the beardies hypercalcemia, such as constipation. Stahl, S., and Donoghue, S. Nutrition of Reptiles. Signs and Symptoms that Result from Relocation Stress. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 08/05/2022. Hypercalcemia is considered mild when the total serum calcium level is between 10.5 and 12 mg/dl. The Glickman Urological & Kidney Institute offers innovative treatments in urology and kidney medicine, including minimally invasive, scarless options for urologic procedures and medical management of kidney disease. This content does not have an Arabic version. To avoid the severe effects of calcium deficiency in bearded dragons, most pet beardie owners put extra measures to ensure that the lizard gets enough calcium. Keeping them on a regular feeding schedule can help identify digestion issues. Such knowledge will help you avoid overexposing your pet to UVB light and thus prevent Vitamin D3 over intake. In most cases, Metabolic Bone Disease necessitates immediate oral calcium supplementation, rehydration with fluids, nutritional support, treatment with injectable vitamin D3, and injections of calcitonin (an antibiotic that helps to re-deposit calcium back into the bones of bearded dragons). In addition to the above, other signs of calcium overdose in bearded dragons include bloody stool, closing the eyes frequently, lack of appetite, avoiding the basking area, and any other heat source. Remember, nothing beats natural exposure to sunlight even if only for a few hours a week. Bone meal powder will make it easier to ration the amount used. This can cause bone pain and muscle weakness. In captivity, they are typically kept indoors in artificial lighting. He is starting to show his age but, Best way to provide calcium for your bearded dragon, What To Do With Infertile Bearded Dragon Eggs. Aside from swelling in the face, mouth, and/or back legs, lethargy, and trembling limbs are common symptoms. Your pet will act lazy and generally exhibit reduced movement and activity in the cage. It is crucial to adhere to the recommendation and take your pet for review once the period is over. Lamps below 290 nm are of no use for bearded dragons. Food alone isnt going to provide them with everything they need. A vet will also guide you on the right UVB conditions for your pet beardie. It is recommended that your pamp veterinarian consult you within two days of bringing your reptile home and that he or she visit you every six to twelve months. It refers to a condition where bone tissues form within the beardies muscles leading to the hardening and weakening of the muscles. There are a couple of ways to go about this: You probably would have preferred I gave you an outright amount. You must monitor these symptoms as well as take appropriate action if they appear. Calcium is not going to be metabolized if there is no extra vitamin D3, so just make sure your calcium has no D3 and supplement D3 occasionally with multivitamins and provide UVB. To treat calcium deficiency, it is important to ensure that your bearded dragon is receiving the correct diet and ample exposure to ultraviolet light. Providing foods with vitamin D2 does not replace the need for vitamin D3. Muscle weakness or twitches. If their UV light exposure is limited or interrupted, Vitamin D3 supplementation is advised to ensure that they receive the recommended amount. Normally, they work with your kidneys, bones and intestines to carefully regulate the level of blood calcium. The importance of giving a beardie enough amounts of calcium is well understood among most beardie pet owners. If your bearded dragon has stopped eating greens or perhaps never started then there are a few tricks you can put in place. You might not have signs or symptoms if your hypercalcemia is mild. Metabolic Bone Disease, also known as MBD, is a common health problem in captive bearded dragons. Weakness A very light dusting of vitamin supplements every other day or 2-3x a week is the recommended dosage. But severe hypercalcemia can cause more serious problems, including: Since healthcare provider often discover hypercalcemia in its early stage, most people dont have symptoms. Being able to identify unusual behavior is essential for noticing hypercalcemia. Donoghue, S. ARAV (2015) Companion Reptile Care Series. The condition known as metabolic bone disorder (MBD) is potentially fatal to bearded dragons. Additionally, a lack of calcium in a bearded dragon's diet can cause severe health complications. So PET choline is one of the newest imaging modalities that's out there. This can also be a sign of a bacterial infection such as mouth rot, though the symptoms are very different. In a conversation on calcium, vitamin D cannot be left out. Yes, you must provide calcium for your bearded dragon. Sadly, calcium under-dose also has a detrimental impact on the reptile. Drinking plenty of water: Staying hydrated may lower blood calcium levels, and it can help prevent kidney stones. (2010) Effects of vitamin D3 supplementation and UVb exposure on the growth and plasma concentration of vitamin D3 metabolites in juvenile bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps). Blood tests can also show whether your parathyroid hormone level is high, indicating that you have hyperparathyroidism. Although well-meaning, such actions can make the beardie suffer when it takes too much calcium. Breast cancer. In the right environment, bearded dragons can move in and out of the UVB light as they need it. In: Gardner DG, Shoback D. Youll also want to make sure theyre getting enough protein in addition to the right amount of calcium. Bear in mind that these conditions vary primarily depending on their age. You might not have signs or symptoms if your hypercalcemia is mild. However, it is good to take the beardie to the vet for assessment, especially if you just got it. In addition, learn your dragons eating behaviors so that you can notice any changes that could lead to an underlying problem such as hypercalcemia. The ratio of calcium (calcium carbonate from bone meal) to phosphorus is high, triple the amount of calcium or more. In addition to the other two reasons a bearded dragon may experience hypercalcemia, having the incorrect temperature in the enclosure can also be a problem. Lethargy, constipation, closed eyes, and poor motion are some of the signs of this condition. Bearded Dragons require a lot of calcium in their diet to stay healthy and strong. Calcium overdose also has more severe effects on them, and their health deteriorates much faster when they suffer from hypercalcemia. This condition is more pronounced in baby dragons as need more amount of calcium to build their developing and growing skeleton. Quitting smoking, if applicable: Smoking can increase bone loss. Muscle twitching, general weakness, unusual postures, and deformities may also occur in more severe cases. Phosphorus should not be fed more than its recommended limits for bearded dragons. See the post on setting up lighting and heating for more information. The amount of calcium you give your bearded dragon can be a bit of guesswork for pet owners. If youre unsure about the amounts you should be feeding them, consult with your vet, and they will help with a meal plan. other information we have about you. Bearded dragons should have a diet that is high in calcium and low in phosphorus. Its also best to check with a vet who will be able to determine the right amount. Hypercalcemia happens when there is too much calcium in the blood. Your dragon could obtain too much D3 from food and sunlight. Signs of Hypercalcemia in Bearded Dragons? The condition is more common with bearded dragons with over-exposure to UVB light in their enclosures. Environmental factors like UVB lighting and heating, Biological stage of the animal, i.e. This means that when one is rich in the diet, the level of other will be low and vice versa. Multiple myeloma (a blood cancer that starts in bone marrow) Your cancer or the treatment . Add calcium rich foods to the diet. Skin shed in large pieces is another sign of a healthy bearded dragon. Symptoms of hypercalcemia in bearded dragons include lethargy, anorexia, weight loss, vomiting, increased urination and thirst, depression, and skin irritation. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Yes, feeding your bearded dragon calcium is part of the current recommended good husbandry practices and it will contribute to the prevention of hypocalcemia. If they do not receive adequate bone nutrition, they may develop metabolic bone disease, which is painful and sometimes fatal. B., Van De Wal, M. D., Bosch, G., Stumpel, J. A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. The nutritional demands of adults is 1.5:1 and in egg laying periods it reaches up to the level of 10:1. Discuss health questions, issues, problems, etc! Most of your bodys calcium is stored in your bones, but you need calcium in your blood as well. Has he been brumating or trying to brumate right now? You may need to rearrange parts of their diet so that they arent receiving too much D3. Accessed Jan. 22, 2020. Second is, provide UVB bulbs in your bearded dragons housing. This diet is not necessarily good for the insects health. A small cutaneous mass was detected in the gular region, but clinical . Outside of a laboratory, its going to be impossible to be sure on how much of the calcium dusted onto insects will actually end up consumed. Bearded dragons dont get calcium dusting in the wild but they are very good at converting UVB radiation (sunlight) into vitamin D3. The disease may also drastically shorten their lifespan and quality of life. Hypocalcaemia is low levels calcium in the blood. This isnt limited to just calcium; your beardie may also need other nutrients to stay healthy such as vitamin D and multivitamins. Furthermore, calcium powder is a great supplement that they can add to their diet to ensure they get the calcium they need for strong bones. The symptoms can often be subtle that may appear to not be an issue, but in these rare cases, hypercalcemia can be very serious and lead to death. Rickets and osteoporosis in Xenopus laevis. If theres no obvious cause to your elevated levels, your provider may ask you to see an endocrinologist, a provider who specializes in hormone-related conditions, who will provide further evaluation and testing. Soft tissue mineralisation, muscle calcification and hardening of muscles occurs. However, too much of it can impact the beardies health. Hypercalcemia can also cause neurological symptoms, such as depression, memory loss, and irritability. In most cases, this is due to an overactive parathyroid gland. Calcium overdose (hypercalcemia) can occur with the use of too much calcium and vitamin D3 supplements and over-exposure to UVB light. Treatment of hypercalcemia. Hypercalcemia happens when you have higher-than-normal levels of calcium in your blood. UVB radiations of only 280-320 nm wavelengths are useful for bearded dragons for vitamin D production in their skin. Stop taking or lower your dose of calcium supplements and calcium-containing supplements, such as multivitamins. Hormone Health Network. Complications of long-term hypercalcemia are rare since calcium levels are checked in routine blood panels and healthcare providers usually catch hypercalcemia early, but complications can include: If you have a family history of hypercalcemia and/or hyperparathyroidism, talk to your healthcare provider about your risk for developing hypercalcemia. Primary hyperparathyroidism and various kinds of cancers account for the greatest percentage of all people with hypercalcemia. In prolonged cases, the beardie might die due to calcium overdose. include protected health information. In addition, such an assessment provides room for you further to understand the perfect diet specific to your beardie. Sufficient exposure to UVB light, is necessary. The following blood calcium levels indicate different levels of diagnosis and severity of hypercalcemia: If you have symptoms of hypercalcemia or are at risk for developing hypercalcemia due to having a certain kind of cancer, your provider will order different blood tests to determine if you have hypercalcemia. Hypercalcemia happens when you have higher-than-normal levels of calcium in your blood. Many bearded dragons end up with preventable diseases through lack of understanding the basics of calcium and D3 supplementation. Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal Practice. Because hypercalcemia can cause few, if any, signs or symptoms, you might not know you have the disorder until routine blood tests reveal a high level of blood calcium. Parts of your body growing skeleton and goitrogen content that negatively affect their nutritional importance week is the recommended.... 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