This was really more like muscle pain, like that idea of fibromyalgia, and not as much joint pain, but more muscle kind of pain. Its pretty interesting. They have impeccable organization, customer service, test quality, and support. Lets use the flat line. It might be yeast overgrowth. We know about hydrogen SIBO, which is an overabundance of bacteria that produce hydrogen, and those are usually Klebsiella and E. Coli as it turns out. Its important to remember that taking Pepto Bismol for extended periods is not advised. Its pretty funny actually. Is it colonic gas? I think for the clinician who needs that feedback, this is a great service to the field. Pepto-Bismol works as an antacid to reduce excess stomach acid and so eases discomfort. So I think you have to be careful not to hold this out as, every case who is negative on a SIBO breath test has hydrogen sulfide as the cause. Thanks. In people with SIBO, there is usually an overproduction of certain types of gases like hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide in the small intestine. These large research centers are doing extraordinarily good work. Those with a homozygous (two bad copies) genetic mutation in an enzyme called CBS (Cystathionine beta-synthase) may also be at risk, as the CBS enzyme drives the recycling of sulfur-containing compounds. Hydrogen Sulfide gas is the third major gas in SIBO cases. Dosage. Lets go through the checklist that Gary has made, to make sure before you decide its hydrogen sulfide, etc. essentially gives the patients Pepto-Bismol along with the Rifaximin. August 14, 2019. The symptoms are resolving. The study was three to seven days. And now the exciting opportunity iswhen the technology becomes available and when its not in research mode, when its actually been a large-scale study across multiple geographies and anatomies across the globeis it standard? Genetic tests can come with a cost, and not only to your wallet. How do you know if you have SIBO or dybsosis/ hydrogen sulfide issue? So thats bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea. And Dr. Ruscio, if I could jump in on a few things. Hi.My friend with severe constipation tested negative for SIBO ( breath test) but I suspect hydrogen sulfide, particularly because she reacted to her Espom salts ( Her legs swelled up). But I mean it medically. Were getting a lot of those calls in the lab. We know that hydrogen and methane breath testing for SIBO is very accurate if done correctly both by the patient, by the laboratory, and by the interpretation of that data. One of the most common causes is altered intestinal motility due to nerve damage. Is it cost-prohibitive or. Your thoughts on IBS Smart blood test? DrAS: Well, actually let me jump in here. Irrespective of all these details, first thing, double-check that the task was done the correct way. In the colon, there are numerous bacterial species that grow on poorly digested foods such as starches and sugars (carbohydrates).2As the bacteria within the colon ferment these foods, hydrogen and carbon dioxide gases are released during the process. I have a colleague who tried using it for methane. It doesnt offer much in regards to treatment besides letting you know that you probably have an underlying motility issue you need help with, but Id say its great for peace of mind knowing what caused your condition. I havent prescribed it, but Ive had patients report to me multiple cases of success with hydrogen sulfide SIBO and that antibiotic. I think where the excitement is coming from for the new technology is that Doctors Pimentel and Rezaietheyre the ones who have invented this technology and are doing the researchhad told me that somewhere between 60 to 70 percent of people who are actually positive for hydrogen sulfide with this new technology are not a flat line. If you follow those simple guidelineseven though sometimes its hard when youre not feeling well, youre looking for anything to make you feel betterI think you have the highest probability of using the hydrogen-sulfide-SIBO-nuanced treatments to your benefit. This isnt a long-term solution, but if you do have hydrogen sulfide-producing SIBO, it will likely help alleviate symptoms. The hyperlinked study conducted in 1939 (ya, its been a while) on sulfur content present in foods further describes the specific amount of sulfur in given food products:The Sulfur Content in Food. DrMR: Yep. Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC. Regarding support, if youre not highly proficient in reading SIBO labs, Gary definitely offers the best clinical support Ive ever come across. This isnt a long-term solution, but if you do have hydrogen sulfide-producing SIBO, it, Another diagnostic: while traditional SIBO typically responds well to a low FODMAP diet, those with hydrogen sulfide SIBO will likely respond better to a, Epsom salt baths are a good way to circumvent the gut and, Its most important, of course, to find the root cause. And when we talked to Dr. Pimentel about it, he said what it could be is that methane is present, but its a level that is below detectable by the breath test machine in parts per million. And so I asked what Dr. Pimentel and Dr. Weinstock were doing. Unfortunately the Thorne one has a lot of other of their mucilaginous polysaccharide herbs that sometimes can aggravate SIBO. One interesting diagnostic approach, aside from a flat line in regular SIBO testing, is Pepto Bismol. So its not like youre going to do things vastly differently. So this is a non-validated test and a patient told me about it. DrAS: Okay. Hydrogen sulfide has emerged as an important 'gasotransmitter' that regulates several bodily systems including: the cardiovascular, digestive, immune, hormonal, and nervous systems. It seems like a lot of the things that can work on hydrogen sulfide can work on methanogen. And in this case, they were doing stool testing to find it in the stool. I do not necessarily think all of this was necessary, but this is . The studies right now with fecal transplants in IBS patients have not shown good results and can make someone worse. And we get it back in the lab. And in the meantime, while were waiting, there are the points that youve all been making and that Ive been making too. Now, I think what that would mean is were missing some people who maybe are showing a negative and they really do have hydrogen sulfide, because theyre not showing a flat line. This is just theory. But, if something happens in the body that is not allowing sulfur metabolism to work correctly and get the body its necessary sulfate, then our body has to come up with a workaround. And bismuth, either alone or in combination. It could be so many different things. In particular, you want to reduce your intake of sulfur-containing foods to help your bodys sulfur metabolism and detoxification pathways. Thanks for that. raise the blood levels of sulfate via skin absorption, Anti-Aging Benefits of Glucosamine and MSM, Remove obstacles to cure and give your body the building blocks it needs to heal in just 6 weeks. Go to, choose the type of practitioner and/or the specialty you're looking for, and/or your city or zip code! Its not really. Dr. Pimentel has been doing a ton of research on mapping the microbiome of the small intestine, so now we know for the first time exactly which particular . And then when I started going out to our normal time framesa minimum of two weeks, if not a monthand usually a month, then we were starting to see better results. And I felt strongly because I wouldnt offer it if I didnt feel it was good. Its going to take years to do two things, validate it clinically, which is the point that I think Gary was really great in making. a feeling of fullness. One interesting diagnostic approach, aside from a flat line in regular SIBO testing, is Pepto Bismol. And the noise level about hydrogen sulfide right now is confusing them. So were seeing this really play out. Zinc acetate has some research, and also soy isoflavones, and a Chinese herbal preparation. Because 60 to 70 percent of the time, its they didnt drink the substrate! And it needs to be a three-hour, because its the third hour thats vital here. Pepto Bismol need to NOT be used in children, and no longer then 2-3 weeks in grownups. The active . Measuring hydrogen sulfide to determine excess overgrowth was previously not possible until recent technological breakthroughs in breath testing. Dysbiosis just means an imbalanced bacterial flora and SIBO means small intestine bacterial overgrowth. Keep your gut in balance by choosing the right supplements for your gut microbiome. Yes. So what you could do, as we look at this whole process, is first verify that your test was done correctly. So hydrogen sulfide, when its in excess, is a toxic gas, like actually literally toxic. And I often point patients to Dr. Siebeckers site and Dr. Jacobis site, trusted, well-valued across the board, and to Dr. Ruscios podcast for information. So that could make sense. What Ive found is for patients who have this predilection toward carbsthey like carbs, they like starch, and they dont do that well with meat and lots of vegetablesIve observed that patient type may simply do better on a lower-sulfur diet. Now, what could have been going on here is that Im seeing the more challenging patient group, which we know I do just because Im a specialist. Theyre seeing the sickest of the sick. I utilize a branded device and branded kits because theyre the best that Ive come across. Every product is science-based, validated by real-world use, and personally vetted by Dr. Ruscio, DC. There is a third type of SIBO (besides hydrogen and methane-based SIBO) that currently does not have a test available: hydrogen sulfide SIBO. If you are someone who has always had a mysterious case of SIBO or dysbiosis, your tests are inconclusive and/or show a flat line, or you know that you have recognized that your symptoms or the smell of your gas are linked to sulfur, then hydrogen sulfide overgrowth might be an issue. Its coming. Additionally, although meat contains a large number of amino acids, such as cysteine and methionine, which contain sulfur, most people have been shown to tolerate meat well in normal portion sizes. It might be parasites. And why? Symptoms of hydrogen sulfide SIBO are similar to those of regular SIBO, except that they also are, One interesting diagnostic approach, aside from a flat line in regular SIBO testing, is Pepto Bismol. And I think if we hit the mark here of helping the person listening to or reading this understand that theres not this magic bullet of hydrogen sulfide SIBO, its not here yet, and work with their doctor, work with their clinician, consider some of the process in the hierarchy that we laid out earlier, that can get them moving forward. So all those things. They have the mycin on the end of the name of them. Bacteria found in your mouth and gastrointestinal tract produce hydrogen sulfide from decomposing materials that contain vegetable or animal proteins. Theres a study that used it and it had a very successful rate of treating it. Its Biofilm Phase-2 Advanced. But you do need to have a lactulose breath test, not a glucose. But as an example, just looking at the SIBO biofilm data that we collected, yes, we did show a measurable benefit that was statistically significantwhere the people who are treated with SIBO herbs plus antibiofilm agents had a greater reduction in hydrogen than did patients treated with SIBO herbsbut it didnt really seem to be clinically meaningful. Its not going to be effective until its just as widespread as hydrogen and methane testing. So yes, there are things that may be more active against hydrogen sulfide. indigestion. This makes up 60 to 70 percent of flat line. The hydrogen breath test is a simple medical test that measures hydrogen gas levels (H02) in the breath you exhale. And those came from Dr. Jacobis research. The movement of these gases does not cause us any pain or discomfort, and will eventually be released in small amounts. And combine that with there was one study using, I believe, rifaximin, in the treatment of hydrogen sulfide SIBO. Because youd think an Epsom salt bath would help pain and things like body pain. And they often actually say, I feel toxic. Its really interesting. I would also contrast with this list of symptoms. And then, very cautiously and parsimoniously, consider expanding outward to other therapies. So if you have bacteria where it doesnt belong and you eat something, the bacteria isnt going to say, On Monday Im going to eat it and Im going to ferment that and produce gas, and thats whats going to result in symptoms.. So just for people, this is not something that Gary is just paying lip service to and not actually doing. One was done with Cipro. Bismuth subsalicylate, sold generically as pink bismuth and under the brand names Pepto-Bismol and BisBacter, is an antacid medication used to treat temporary discomforts of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, such as nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, and diarrhea.. Bismuth subsalicylate has the empirical chemical formula C 7 H 5 BiO 4, and is a colloidal substance obtained by . And overall they feel sicker than other SIBO patients. Because we might choose to treat differently if we are dealing with methane. It damages nerves and mitochondria. Then we have chronic postprandial symptoms. I have to underscore this. But thats going to be years and years. And I have seen cases get better from that. But the other thing that Ive seen is body pain. So their actual digestive and all of these symptoms like the neuralgia and the body pain would get worse, which is unique. Thats how you could, first off, decide what looks kind of negative. People use that word toxic like an adjective. And what wed like to do is level set what we know today. So moving on in the symptoms, Ive seen bladder irritation or interstitial cystitis. He sold his invention directly to other doctors. The breath test only measures methane and hydrogen right now. But Allison, lets go through some of these. And we can get into the treatment differences in a second. Does your breath test simultaneously measure CH4, CO2, H2 and H2S? That seems to be a little bit better tolerated for a lot of people. Two, if your test is negative, consider hydrogen sulfide. Approximately 400 mcg of molybdenum, also 20 min prior to meals. I have started to take berberine and it is also suggested to take Allicin along with it. But it is tenable to say that almost any symptom could be driven by a problem in the gut. Hydrogen-dominant SIBO causes diarrhea. So thats light and noise intolerance. Ready to get started? When I see zeros, ones, twos, threes parts per million with glucose, were picking up the phone. And when that happens, then we can really talk. Then we do this right and we get enough of these therapies integrated in sequence together. And if thats really helpful, then we can continue forward with that. The Future of Functional Medicine Review: Elemental Heal (Gut Healing Meal Replacements), Future of Functional Medicine Review Clinical Newsletter, gut related disorders such as SIBO, leaky gut, Celiac, IBS, An Effective, Gut-Friendly Meal Replacement Shake, The Two Most Effective Supplements For Your Gut Microbiome, Spotting a Hashimotos Misdiagnosis and Treating The Real Cause, The Truth About Genetic Testing For Your Health, Hydrogen sulfide is a new gas being studied as a cause of SIBO, Specific hydrogen sulfide test not available as of August 2019 (in development). This can also be used as a simple diagnostic tool to determine whether H2S is playing a role in your symptoms. Its by Priority One, I think. I wrote here on sulfur intolerance. If they do, then we yield to Dr. Siebeckers work here, and weve been validating that they are hitting on one or more of these. 60% of the time (Ive done 34,000 tests), its because the patient did not consume the glucose or lactulose. Three of the livers Phase II Detoxification processes (rendering a toxic molecule less harmful) require sulfur: sulfation, glucoronidation, and glutathione-S-transferase. Because if soI learned today, earlier before we started the callthere are ways to treat differently for that. A rapid rise in exhaled hydrogen or methane may indicate bacterial overgrowth in your small intestine. Well, first off, I didnt know what to do all those years ago. We need to validate, is this bacteria in the small intestine where it doesnt belong, or is it not? And one lady said, What probiotics do you recommend?. For a while there, I couldnt tell, is it helping methane? So the problem is not on the clinicians, not on the patients. Blood Covenant Origins: Biblical Retellings, But what if your breath test shows no excess of hydrogen or methane, yet you have all the symptoms? Capsules, tincture or tea. Since molybdenum is the nutrient cofactor for sulfite oxidase which tends to be low, supplementation is a good idea, especially if levels are found to be low. Typically, the air that is swallowed will remain in the stomach until it gradually moves through the digestive system by peristalsis. Its rare that I see, for a patient whos pretty ill, that just one thing breaks open the entire case. Download Episode (Right click on link and Save As). DrMR: Awesome. Can a fecal transplant cure the dysbiosis imbalance causing hydrogen sulfide SIBO that causes debilitating diarrhea? Were calling to be sure that, one, they drank the glucose, and then were going to start asking if there are chronic postprandial symptoms. If your symptoms are severe, certain treatment options that reduce hydrogen sulfide-producing bacteria may also help, as well provide you with some symptomatic relief. A hydrogen breath test is a fairly simple, noninvasive way to check for sugar intolerance or SIBO. In all SIBO cases, the issue is withendogenous gasor gas produced by either too much bacteria in the gut or the wrong diversity of microbes. Allison, why dont we go into the symptoms that one may want to be on the lookout for, that indicate that hydrogen sulfide SIBO may be present? Glutathione (used by that last one) is also most powerful antioxidant in the body, comprised of three amino acids: cysteine (which contains sulfur), glutamine, and glycine. The other thing thatat least for right now until we have better dataI just want to again remind the audience of is, a good gut-focused or SIBO-focused clinician should be able to help you navigate this. So, brain fog, fatigue, potentially high cholesterol and weight gain and higher blood sugar, joint pain, skin lesions. Teigen et al., Nutrients 2019, 11, 931 But these are the validations. For glucoseand Dr. Goldenberg sent me great points, updated points, regarding thisby the Rome working group in 2009 showed a 71.7% accuracy, but more importantly, more newer work like Sellin is showing that 8 out of 25 patients with chronic diarrhea showed rapid transit, and theyre finding glucose absorbed distally. So those are my clinical symptoms Ive gathered over time and I just share them. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, also known as SIBO, occurs when you have an excessive amount of bacteria living in in your small intestine. Background & Aims: Hydrogen sulfide is one of the main malodorous compounds in human flatus.This toxic gas also has been implicated in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis.Therefore, a treatment that reduces colonic H 2 S levels could be clinically useful in the treatment of flatus odor and of ulcerative colitis. And my position here is primarily with hydrogen sulfide. Then, we have methanogens that produce methane, but we are re-thinking that whole diagnosis as more intestinal methanogen overgrowth rather than classic SIBO. So were seeing it. What do you think might be happening? But I think thats a minority ultimately. And then we further validate on the research that Dr. Siebecker did, that Dr. Ruscio is going to supply, and theyll talk about this in a moment. And I do feel like if the right laboratory work is done, that provides the data to the patient and the clinician to make the right diagnosis decisions. Find everything you need to know about Pepto-Bismol (Bismuth Subsalicylate), including what it is used for, warnings, reviews, side effects, and interactions. So what does it really mean? Is it helping hydrogen sulfide? I cant remember. And what I was thrilled to learn from Gary is that as hes been sharing ithe talks to lots of clinicianshes finding its ringing true. It is also used to treat diarrhea and help prevent travelers' diarrhea. And this is really disheartening, because then these patients end up getting treated and treated and treated and treated, never to really feel much different or see their labs changed, because they were treating a false positive all the while. The videos are only 60 seconds, talking about the connection between depression and the gut, and how roughly 50% of people who either went on a low FODMAP diet or used a probiotic saw an improvement in their depression. Bacteria found in your mouth and gastrointestinal tract produce hydrogen sulfide from decomposing materials that contain vegetable or animal proteins.3. It's usually used as an antacid medication. This can help patients and practitioners better identify the problem, but there's likely no need for a special set of treatments for this specific SIBO type. Its just talk. Youre going to be in the ballpark with SIBO treatments, and then there are some nuances you can add to it. You see, your digestive tract is designed to house a host of different microbes that make up what is collectively known as your gut microbiome. Im not even going to share any more about that. If you use that, thats been validated. And in terms of sulfur types of foods or supplements, a lot of them are worse from an Epsom salt bath, because thats magnesium sulfate. It seems like nitazoxanide can work on methanogens. A new SIBO breath test assesses hydrogen sulfide, which is directly related to diarrhea and abdominal pain. If you are experiencing the symptoms associated with hydrogen sulfide overgrowth, there are a few things you can consider and do to help your body. So, what exactly is this gas composed of? Getting more specific when someone has hydrogen sulfide issues it is usually correlated with diarrhea and sometimes rotten egg smelling gas, although Ive also seen constipation in people with h2s issues. And why is this important? Honestly, it really just depends. Additionally, by eliminating the high sulfur foods from your diet, you will also be able to test out how your body responds to different foods that contain high amounts of sulfur when reintroducing them later. However, the testing for this is not yet available. And so well have them run a one-week trial, and thats adequate to help us piece that together. And second, become widely available. Welcome to Dr. Ruscio Radio. Bismuth subsalicyclate (BSS) has been shown to provide up to 65% protection against TD when taken as 2 tablets 4 times per day for a maximum of 3 weeks. A breath test can help you determine if your symptoms are caused by treatable conditions like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). So I think thats probably where everyone is getting excited. There are a number of different reasons why this could occur. belching. And I think, unfortunately, its the instinct of a patient to grasp for this one straw that is the thwarting factor. The air that is swallowed pepto bismol hydrogen sulfide sibo remain in the stool, then can! These large research centers are doing extraordinarily good work for that a colleague who using. Only to your wallet the patients test and a Chinese herbal preparation ago... Your test was done correctly, test quality, and then there are a number of different why! 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