Juno Conjunct/trine Saturn * Sun conjunct/opposite venus * Sun in 7th/10th * Venus in 7th/9th * Moon 1st/2nd/7th/8th * Composite Cancer personal planets * Composite AC/Sun in Libra * Venus Sextile/Trine/conjunct Saturn * Venus conjunct vertex * Juno Conjunct . April 2016 Some of these may be indications of business partnerships, or simply attractions. I also have a good friend who lives in another country as well! The house person adores the Venus person and will always try to give excitement and fun in the Venus persons life; after all this is a fire house. These are very few things I could share, but its obvious to say the Progressed Composite and Transits play a big role in a relationship. Pisces would want the aim of the relationship to be one that would be seen by others to be something that would be unexpectedly beautiful or something that would delude others into thinking its great even if the relationship is crumbling, they dont want to face any form of negativity, and theyll feel broken if the relationship does end. I've been active reader of your posts on lindaland forum. This is really nice for not only love, but even friendship. Obviously if you have this placement it doesnt mean youll get stalked, Ive just noticed that these placements tend to get a lot of attention from the opposite sex online. Can the exact conj between sun/moon midpoints compensate that? In a sense you dont really get to choose. The sex will be very mixed between the axis of Taurus-Scorpio, its emotionally and physically bonded. It helps build confidence, as you guys will want to look like a power couple. Venus Conjunction Pluto November 2016 * Pluto Conjunct the AC/MC The energy of a composite affect the individuals in the relationship and draw from their energies, but the composite chart doesnt focus on the individuals, unlike synastry charts, which show us how different energies within the individuals interact with each other. Libra Mars placements are SO moody, but boy do they know how to flirt and charm. The Composite and even Progressed Composite can trigger your placements as well, making your Natal aspect more alive. I curios about Moon square the nodal axis, venus square the nodal axis, sun quincux north node, jupiter square nodal axis, pluto trine north node, neptune sextile north node, and uranus and saturn quintile north node in syhastry ? If you care to post the natal chart, and the synastry/comp, the answer should be right there." My birthday is 9/18/85 6:50am eastern time. The point is to see where their/your planet falls in your/their chart and the specific house, to see the influence it has on your relationship and bond. In aVenusian way I am extremely affectionate in the friendship, as she is too. It can be very overwhelming at times but you guys can trust each other with your dark secrets and share a physical sense of yourselves that is endearing. And if one Moon is in Sagittarius and the other Moon is in Aquarius, the composite Moon is likely in Capricorn, the sign in between Sag and Aquarius. Understanding this aspect properly would imply knowing the role Pluto has in each chart, and also how connected it is to love and relationships (or not) for each natal chart. Aries moons Scorpio moons having an intense and dark eyes/gaze (if they dont have really dark eyes, they have a dark gaze), Libra suns and risings LOVE to buy from influencers. Both of you will have an aesthetically pleasing home together as well, and often tone down theWild side of each other if you have it. Composite chart:Ishtar in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): This relationship would have the desire to become more open to each other and to not worry about how others will feel about how loud they may be about their relationship. These are the characteristic of their/your venus, in your/their house (where thequalities of Venus shine in your relationship): This maysuggest that you guys have plenty in common, making your partner feel beautiful and confident. Forecasts It kind of makes me think where you need to grow the plant and take care of it throughly so the roses blossom. Mercury in the 8th people are OBSESSED with revenge andgetting back at people who hurt them. So yes, this may be a protective love after all. Aries would have desires relating to the likes of making the world a better place and having a chance to be in a position to fight back. How about conjunctions between the same asteroid? When the overall charts are good and the relationship takes shape and has endurance markers, it usually happens with time. It does not seem like a romantic, lovely, Venusian relationship. Ascendants are trine Lib/Aqu. It seems odd, interesting, unique, confusing like Uranian. NN trine sun; sq sat/plu Juno, a Roman goddess, was Jupiter's wife. * Sun in 7th/10th Speaking ofsynastry, 7th house synastry will really have you questioning if you should marry the person even if you dont like them. Even if theyre not physically attractive, theyre just ~ sexy ~ in some inexplicable way. Composite sunin 7th need someone else with the partnership too, just like a natal 7th sun does. 3) Do you think it is significant to have draco and tropical composite sharing exact zodiac points but different planets? Best, The Inner Sky, Steven Forrest: https://www.amazon.com/Inner-Sky-Wiser-Choices-Fulfilling/dp/0979067715 Sacred Geometry sun/moon DW Its overall a very beneficial place for Venus and a healthy place too, it builds a sense of adoration. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. The composite has very important elements that you cant just whisk of with a broom and hide under the rug. There are different ways to calculate composite charts. I had this with my ex, and for a lot of the relationship I always put the blame on myself because I saw him as this person who fixed me and could do no wrong. The problem is that you guys may act like a Libra mercury together, avoiding conflicts, as you guys rather keep things sweet. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Venus Even if the composite ascendant ruler is in the 7th. The best relationship of my life, going on 20 years together now, involves no Venus/Mars contacts and the only Sun/Moon contact is a quincunx (his Sun to my Moon). Communication is extremely important in a relationship and as this house is ruled by Gemini (a Mercury-ruled sign), and paired with Venus, you communicate with compassion and love. we have- The people I know with these placements are constantly hooking up and/or dating people with barely any effort. Moon Oppose Venus Also, progressed composite Nodes are sensitive. The chemistry clicks between you two as you guys have harmony perfuming your relationship since you guys tend to have the same views about love and relationships. Its the potential of the relationship and the highest place it can reach. You want to use a dual chart or lay the charts side-by-side, whichever is easier for you, and you want to see your partner's Sun in your H1, H5 or H7. Ive also noticed Asteroid Sappho making aspects to angles, personal planets, or in angular houses in sapphic women as well. imo there's some kind of pattern here.. At least at first. 2) My romantic interest and I both share IC conjunct north node (1 deg orb) in our natal charts and our north nodes exact sextile (21 taurus and 21 Pisces). The house person will be deeply attracted to them, especially if their Venus is close to their ascendant, and the problem is you may idealize the house person. Some aspects Ive noticed that tend to indicate a romantic relationship (or at least potential for it i.e. Also for aspecting personal planets and angles, Ive noticed there usually are 3+ aspects, but this isnt always the case. Also, just to quickly sayProgressed Planets and Angles can interact with themselves as well, it doesnt always have to be with a Natal or Composite. For example I have Venus quincunx Neptune, Mars quincunx Neptune, and Sappho aspecting my midheaven, chart ruler (Jupiter), and Saturn. Mars in the 1st house overlay in synastry is no fucking joke man, I have it with this girl I like and I literally cannot speak around her because Im in such a state of yearning. ..? Heavy transits arent always bad, for example a transit from Pluto over the composite Sun can be the birth of a new relationship. All both draconic sun is the composite sun ALL SEXTILE (no stelliums in the natal charts) Ishtar in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): This relationship would have the desire to learn from each others over-reactions and understanding each other better through developing the relationship. Like Juno-Juno or Pallas-Pallas? Hi, Thelma :) What questions do you have about Siamese aspects? Sag placements and Geminiplacements in the big three tend to have the most expressive faces. The reason the pairs Moon/Sun and Venus/Mars are number 1 on the list is because these are the two archetypal romantic/marital pairs, as per their mythology and symbolism. Having a prominent Priapus in your chart makes romantic partners want to have s*x with you right away, and this aspect typically gives a high s*x drive. This is only for opposition and conjunction, and for this situation, the tighter orb is what youre looking for. Can the sun moon be in the same sign but not conj in degrees? * Juno Conjunct vertex. They see the relationship between two people as an entity separate from the individuals in the relationship. House of the Sun: the house of the sun can show where the heart of the relationship lies. The house person can feel supported and someone who has similar ideas about diet and exercise, you guys help each other a lot and make each other be able to build a life together. Identifying a great romantic-marital relationship with astrology. Theyre very smart and they will do whatever they have to in order to get shit done. I dont see Lilith-North Node in synastry talked about a lot. Therefore even though theres a very highly affectionate friendship, something she says no one has every brought into her, I think I play the odd role of being a little more emotionally controlled. I put this at the end so you can skip it if you want, butI thought I should share an example of the few points I gave out. They wanna hear the tea. It is at that point, the composite chart comes into being. Which you should, with such a mystical and emotional double connection. Thank you. She 1998/Spe/22 time unknown Taipei Taiwan. Astrologically, a combined chart is calculated by taking a midpoint between two horoscopes to generate a new chart. Ive noticed that people with an afflicted 3rd house planet ruler and/or having it aspect Saturn or Pluto tend to get their drivers license later than most. So do with that what you will. A quality relationship has two Pillars, just like Boaz and Jachin, the legendary pillars of Solomons Temple, extrapolating it to an enduring temple of love: And these two pillars have the ability to sustain the most important criterion, the Roof: Based on my research so far, conducted on various and multiple examples of such relationships that already stood the test of time, I identified the armature of such a building, a must-check list when evaluating the potential of a relationship with astrology. 5 LisaDreams 4 yr. ago Sun/Moon and Moon/Moon compatibility are often good indicators of long term compatibility. Ishtar in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): This relationship would have the desire to learn from experiences, and to be able to be social together. Now usually composites get a rep. for being useless, but this contradicts that when you read everything above. I have a Natal Pisces moon and she has a Natal Gemini moon. The composite chart is the chart of the relationship itself. Basic Synastry reading $80 (takes a lot of time): -a quick break down of both of your charts seperately, -how you both work together (5-10 aspect explanations), -what areas to work on together in the relationship, -inlcudes a basic description of the houses of the planets. Because of this, I think this also is an anxiety placement since theres so much overthinking and not being able to move on from past events. I have to say, these aspects both influence us greatly and since it does connect to our Natal charts, our composite does feel really alive. Having the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter are great aspects to see in a Composite Chart, especially if they are in the 5th or 7th houses. Try to see if there are other overlays or aspects that bring more passion and so forth. * Vertex conjunct the DC . The relationship isnt a person, it does not feel it. May 2016 I wonder what you would think about this situation: suppose two people have all these aspects you consider important, and they very much love each other, but the woman is scared of commitment and the man is very much into marriage and kids (which she's afraid of). Planets And Asteroids Did you know that relationships have charts? It calms the house person and steadies them. If it's afflicted by 2 or more outer planets (especially Saturn/Uranus/Neptune) it can greatly alter the quality of this stellium. My Natal Moon conjuncts our Composite rising, as her 4th angle conjuncts composite Jupiter. My Psyche conj his Sun/Ven. The midpoint between these two points is 20 in Gemini, so that is where the sun in our composite chart is placed. Positive Mars-Saturn aspects, Mars-Mercury aspects, and opposition Mars-Jupiter aspects can indicate a small d*ck, but all other Mars-Jupiter aspects usually indicate a larger sized one. Lilith in the 2nd women tend to be s*xualized in addition to Lilith in the 1st women. Ive seen this with siblings actually. NN/dsc cnj ve/ma Scorpio would have desires that relate to deep concepts and underrated concepts they can view any situation and see all of the possible outcomes simply from thinking more and more of them, and they find that most other people do not see the same, so they want to change this even a little bit. Pls help me! There will be lots of fun, romance, and enjoyment flowing between you two. Moon Conjunct AS Taipei,Taiwan Rip. But Sun/Venus, Sun/Mars and Moon/Venus Moon/Mars are also very important romantic combinations, two being a Yang combo, and two being a Yin combo. Theyll want to spend lots of time with you at home. Challenging aspects: Mars-Saturn conjunct or opposition means sexual distance. In fact the Venus person will make them feel so talented, they can discover new income or have a material growth. Yet emotionally, Im a tad bit more controlled than her when I want to be. This is a long post so I highly suggest you read this from myblog on a computer so its laid out wider and easier. We have more beautiful aspect in between. Sun/moon aspects tend to be a strong indication of marriage. Uranus: strong or prominent Uranus influence can point to excitement, spontaneity, and eccentricity in the relationship. The house its in and even the sign says a lot. Both of you can open up to each other in a ways you guys never thought youd be able to. Taurus would want to meet the aim of the romantic and/or sexual relationship to be one that is going to benefit them financially I know this sounds like its generic, and it kinda is, but both people in the relationship would want to have security with their lifestyle as well! Definitely check @factsrological for more on this! , Decrease quantity for Composite Marriage Indicators PDF, Increase quantity for Composite Marriage Indicators PDF. I want to find my twin flame because I got really interested in this subject hence my insecurity in my relationship increases day by day due to the fact that my partner of 6 1/2 years has been friends with his ex for over 7 years and because of this my fears try to convince me that she is his soulmate whereas I am not. Sun/Mars is an energetic Yang combo, masculine, physical, raw energy is amplified, for good or bad, Moon/Venus is the Yin counterpart, it brings softness, intimacy, emotionality, feeling sweet, tender, protective and forgiving with each other and Moon/Mars amplifies emotions, for good and bad, makes for a "hot" interaction, and it is also an Yin/Yang pair, it can get a little bumpy at times, because of Mars in danger of stomping on Moon's sensitivity, but it's also an aspect of strong physical attraction, on the raw side, and fertility, among other things. If the Venus person is a women, the house personwill admire you and treat you like a goddess. You both are highly supportive of each other and tend to help each other a lot in each others careers. Example: So if a progressed composite planet triggers a Natal T square, let us say the moon, he may tend to behave a certain emotional way which isnt evident in his chart. Hi Patty :) The Cowboy WandererI like that! moon septile venus Despite being aloof, they are still air signs. The most common solar arc progressions for marriage are; Venus well aspected to the ascendant or midheaven. After I heard about this method, I was a bit curious by it until I read a book that discussed this that made me jump into it more. Their composite and Synastry charts look more compatible than any others Ive seen and theyve been together 9 years. Al Pacino has this and youve seen his stares in Scarface. I dont know Ive just noticed this. Its this that explains why rising signs are so important, you can still use this if you dont know their time, but youll need to know at least one persons time. This is when on a composite chart (the mid-point planet relationship chart . You can make a composite with a celebrity, it does not mean youre in a relationship with them (unless youre dreaming so). Gemini would have desires that relate to getting a bigger voice and being able to show off their knowledge they know they are smart people, and they want to make it known to people without sounding like a fire sign (too loud about it). I think Cancer + Pisces works well and Cancers with earth signs. Ive noticed sapphic women tend to have Venus-Uranus, Mars-Uranus Mars-Neptune, and/or Venus-Neptune placements. Log in Sign up. I would bet my left leg theyve all had an emo phase at some point in their lives. In other words you notice their teeth right away. Sign but not conj in degrees constantly hooking up and/or dating people with barely any effort endurance markers, usually. 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