I live in the high desert on the west side of Colorado. may as well call them perennials, as they reseed year after year! If you're a cat lover, you might be wondering if catmint is invasive. So, if we can't overcome them, then let us welcome them help us fund the needy community members. I moved away from the Trumpet vine but still have trouble with Morning Glory,this plant was at my new place so the fight goes on. 3. Unfortunately there is no way to remove the ivy from the tree itself. If you love something, even if it's on the list, you should still plant and enjoy. st. johns wort and vinca will grow under them, so will sweet pea. What a fabulous example of using a plant to your advantage! Also, thanks for mentioning your zone and location. Despererate about it when looking at my veggies garden. I even prefer the mint. Spreads like fire and stinks too!! Sweet, pearl-like color, massive blooms, blooms for weeks, nice foliage. :). So we put pretty flowering baskets on top & decorative rock ;). Just thinking outloud. I always wanted drifts of Alaska daisies I finally got my dream that after growing them from seed lovingly caring for them watched them in just A few years take over my yard and my life with dead heading thousands of bunches that just seemed to appear over night one Spring ?wouldn't you know it was at the same time I had major surgery and medical problems going on so all I could do is enjoy the beauty of my dream! I still have no idea what all is in my garden. I tried to put disclaimers on it, and if you've read the comments, there are many people who disagree with what I've written, to which I've often replied--if you love it, plant it. My lawn is utterly overrun with it. It is either that or a gun. I'm glad you liked it! Various shades of lavender-blue, pink, violet, or white, often enhanced by darker calyces. Had them dug out but there was always one sweat potato left to take off and cover the whole bed. Tons of blooms. Nepeta has slightly aromatic gray-green foliage with a delicate, lacy appearance. Hi Kristen! Vinca MAJOR is considered invasive. I really appreciate this helpful article! WHAT THE NATURAL HECK! I kind of want them to spread so I'll have some to share. Also from a few canna lily bulbs I spread around and in 2 years. Very annoying as it runs and pops up everywhere. I'll be sure to share that with my gardening group. And if something spreads where you would rather not have it, simply yank it out! Thank You! Be warned, Never plant this beauty! Someone said it might bring raccoons around and if that happened they would get my koi in the fish pond. Even after the blooms peak in midsummer, rosy purple calyces remain to prolong the colorful display. I'll take this beautiful hot mess. You have such a nice collection of flowers. I totally agree. The bane of my garden is spiderwort. I also had arctic iris. Asked several experts and tried it all ugh wow this is a very thorough article! I use a weed killer with a dropper on ones that cannot be dug out without digging out the desired plant next to it. Although the Lilies give me exercise by digging up their underground bulbs. These were EVERYWHERE in my overgrown backyard in Saskatoon and they drove me crazy. I love daylilies and have found varieties that bloom at different times for a continuous display of colour during the growing season. Required fields are marked *. Great structure plant, but oh my!, just one season & it reseeded in the next three yards down the street. They are fighting with wheatgrass and winning in Quebec. Does any one have other ideas for control? RIBBON GRASS! However, it will spread to your lawn and is very difficult to get out. I hate her for it. The seeds will germinate in it. It usually only appears in herb gardens and has very nothing to recommend it in terms of aesthetics. I spent two years trying different products, formulas, and mixtures and this is the only one that was able to completely eliminate both the goutweed/bishop's weed and the chameleon plant. However, I also have the variegated variety which is very well behaved and not invasive at all, nor does it reach as far, and it's gorgeous. And digging can just spread it anyways. I get all my exercise trying to keep them contained!!!!! I will be putting in a container since I've seen how they can spread as a shade cover. It's an ugly garden but the veggies are beautiful. Catnip can get quite invasive, spreading rapidly through a bed. Love this site! In South Central Alaska, The Valley, I've grown golden raspberries on part of a fence -The kids enjoyed them just to pick and eat. Is Catmint Invasive? Right now I've got a plethora of dandelions & other varieties of weeds. Appreciate your advice on some of these others (especially Veronica. Thank you in advance. In my defence, this article was meant to be a bit humourous, and I'm sorry it didn't come across that way for you. It still came back. Unless you have lots of goldfinches that will eat the seeds and keep them under control, dont plant it. "Canada" thistle. Others bloom for such a short time that they dont seem worth the trouble. Oregano is related to mint and has the same invasive habit, so if you like growing your own, containers are the best way to control it. And that seals the deal that I'm planting my ferns and lily of the valley in containers! I live in Crosslake MN. I still have Lamb's Ears and Yarrow. What a mistake planting Ivy! remember the old saying? I know, they have roots but I have not had trouble with them. I want to meet the person who plants clover on purpose. Oh my gosh, Tansy.the previous homeowners at my house planted it in the perennial bed and it is EVERYWHERE now and completely impossible to get rid of!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This had me giggling! Are you living in the Garden of Eden that so many of your plants become invasive? Ive been gardening for 15yrs. Plus constant mowing to drain the energy from the rhizomes. Intermediate and advanced gardeners are also better able to stay on top of plants with a spreading habit, whereas beginners might not know what they're getting themselves into. I have a plant in the house and the branches are now about 2 feet long. Rose of sharon with that 15 inch tap root in the first month from blown seed or bird drops has been another bane. I have planted many of your list and not had the same experiences. This Spring they overtook my entire garden. Thank you for your bravery in standing up. I'm in Lancaster pa too! I've been pulling them up for 5 years. Dont let the name fool you. At my house in the same zone, it went crazy, but I have vincas that stay neatly mounded, as does snow on the mountain. This is my 3 . Besides bindweed, I have a problem with the neighbors five cats using my garden as their bathroom. I will say my beautiful Campanula is a beast and spreads by root and seed and smoothers anything within reach. I LOVE daisies and would be perfectly content to have them take over a part of my garden, but now that I know it would/could, I can decide if I want to deal with that or not. In Texas we can solarize, dont know where you are, so dont know if that would work. However, it may help stimulate new flower development. I have a tiny yard in Maryland (10 x 10 yards). I dry them by just laying them on a paper towel and leave them alone, when dried out then put in a container with lid. Perennials I really despise are: My cousin had some in her yard and every time they mow they still smell mint. I didn't know that you can grow peonies in containers. Chameleon plant -hoyttunia - gets my vote too!! The bad news: it will grow in practically any light or soil condition. When I was young my Dad dug out our rhubarb plant at least a foot and half down and sprayed it with round-up. brought them over in pots, but when they started growing out of the pots, made the mistake of putting them in the ground. Feverfew I'm new to gardening. 'Walker's Low' has aromatic, gray-green to . It's not crazy at all! The little nursery pot looks harmless, but it is super super invasive. I have mint (in containers only. That is a long time to not maintain an area. Conclusion. I actually planted clover as my front and back lawn last summer because it can handle getting trampled by my dogs and gets mowed like a regular lawn. There's an important-to -correct error. Once plants are a few inches (8 cm.) I like vining plants like star jasmine, pink jasmine, banks rose and tangerine beauty. Many people confuse catmint with catnip (Nepeta cataria). I have been fighting it for many years now. So, I guess I'll find out if it's true they are hardy and maintenance-free this spring (5 months from now), as I did absolutely nothing last fall. I am confident it is on Michigan's invasive list. I make a point of examining my garden every few days in the spring to dig it up when its ugly leaves poke thru the earth. People sharing their experiences with plants that grow in their zones or invade the yard depending on where they live, soils and other factors. I bought a non-invasive wisteria. It has beautiful foliage, pink and white with green stripes. 20+Cottage Garden Plants & Flowers. I had no clue that irises only last for about two days. Ferns are a problem for me. I tried for several years to get it established before the cats pulled it up and rolled in it. I imagine that getting rid of those plants or other problematic garden features like rotting trees can be a real pain. RELATED: Everyone in my cul-de-sac has lovely displays, but they're almost all the same plants. I happen to be one of those who like invaders. Anything with creeping in its name is a hint that you may have it forever (or the person who buys your house after you), I think I want a clover lawn. It should be illegal to sell that stuff. I've had more birds, butterflies, and bees on the European "bull" thistle than practically any other plant. I am in zone 5 so I can't directly comment on colder zones. What is a bane to you people would be a glorious here. Finally said to H*** with it and grabbed the heavy weed-eater. I'm very fortunate to have 4 acres. However, it does . . It is very 'curious' though and likes to explore. Many of the garden bloggers that I follow don't have degrees in horticulture, nor do we profess to. Its about 3 or 4 years old. The scent of Muguet de Bois (Lily of the Valley) is one of my favourite childhood memories let's try to remember we share this Earth with others, and let's try to not destroy species who've been here for millions of years! Unless you can eat them faster than they can propagate. Tarmac everything. I cut out the bottom and dig that bottomless bucket into the flower bed. However, I've heard a TON of horror stories from my readers and it seems to be a definite no-no. 7b 8a here. Flower FarmingShifting Roots Essential Gardening Supplies That is just one example. Hated by experienced gardeners everywhere, its best to confine this one to a pot if you can. Regret ever bringing it to my new house. I wanted to plant a big tree but our old sewer line would be below it. But mind you never cut off any sucker from a root. That is what plants do. I will take violets over bluegrass anytime. Plant them with proper gaps and sunlight. Actually, butterflies are attracted to any flower with nectar. I have tri-colored Japanese fern which has spread only a foot over the last 10 yrs. In fact, these perennials could be considered a beginner gardeners worst nightmare! Next spring it was sort of trimmed back. My mom has an area of lily of the valley that's been there over 50 yrs. And clover is wonderful for pollinators!!!! Some of the catmints can reseed themselves readily and can become weedy in that way, but there are some . It has been 4 years now and it is still only about 9' at it's longest runner and very sparse. The Torenia is another that can be -- quite literally -- off the wall. Just the little ones. If nothing grows there, I would actually suggest trying some of these invasive plants. They're just wonderful. look! But, a plant like ox-eye daisy can overrun an area. I cannot believe they still sell Yellow Bleeding Heart (Corydalis Lutea) and the various variegated bamboo grasses. Use catmint in mixed containers like this Brooklyn Heights recipe that includes Cats Meow catmint, Angelface Blue Angelonia, and Snowstorm Giant Snowflake bacopa. I've grown a few of these and enjoyed them. I want to put in groundcover. Our horror story was IVY! In theory, if you are comfortable using chemicals in your yard, you could use round up on them with a paint brush. The reality is that too many people are focused on the beauty of the plant and not how it cooperates in its setting. Thank you for your kind words! We are in SE Wisconsin. While super useful as a medicinal plant, Comfrey can take DECADES before it starts to decline. They are contained to one area. I enjoyed your post and have another one for your list - BLEEDING HEART! From zone 5 Denver. My home was a century home and pretty well the only thing I let run are the double red poppies that were planted after WW1. May be bothered by thrips, which are best treated with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Wish I was your neighbor to get take some of these problem plants out of your yard. You list many of the plants as terrible because they spread and overtake your garden in a couple years. If you plant Ivy near your house, it climbs all over your house. Hah! The answer is yes, it can be! Photo by: John Richmond / Alamy Stock Photo. Cover the area with wet cardboard, several layers, then a heavy layer of mulch. Talk w pretty purple flowers. Im In Zone 3 Alberta and trying to plant a really steep hill. Maybe it could be because the lady that owned this place was not a gardener. But, diversity is important. In upstate NY, we call them orange "ditch lilies" because you find them along the roadside everywhere. Catmint plant is an extremely easy-growing plant with few pests or problems. I think I've killed about half of the things on this list- by accident. Wich of this can you recomend to plant in the behives surrounding areas? Also, I found some wild Violet in a neighbors lawn that was white with purple inside - so pretty, until it took over my entire garden. What zone are you in? The only reason I ranked the thistle as worse is because it's even harder to remove the root system. Why do you bother having a garden? This should help keep the plant from spilling out into the rest of the garden. EVERYWHERE! Spreads like wildfire, loved all the information,,,,was looking for care and why i should rip out my ivy before it moves into my house, I would add creeping Charlie and creeping myrtle (vinca, periwinkle- it has many names. Enjoyed your post! I did the same thing!! Never again. I think it would be a wonderful idea if you would start a garden blog yourself. Hi Kristin, this was great - but I think #2 photo is actually of the beautiful Japanese anemone 'Honorine Jobert', which in my zone 5 is a treasured perennial, not invasive at all. Then knock on wood, this year there's been nothing but regular weeds yet. "Canada" goldenrod. You might want to research that. Please use caution reading this list. Evening Primrose can show up hundreds of feet away from its mama, and needs very little water to survive. My Lemon Mint has not really taken off like this article said it does. You just get to know one well because of some incredible talent, and then it shows you another trick. Horrible stuff. Maybe then next year I can start uncovering bit by bit parts to work a garden in to of my owneither that or start doing small groupings of seating and container gardens. After that, they will very rarely need supplemental watering. 20 Full-Sun Perennials They require tending, but I like the romantic English-style garden in my back. They complement the hostas in my shady woodland garden and the ones I have dont seem too aggressive. I really enjoyed this article & I'm glad I found it! (I'm 73, so crazy, huh?) It will come back when you cut it but I have noticed that if I plant something else immediately it is in better control. Ooh! I have quite a big garden and that is my problem. The ONLY one I would add to your list is Gazania just keeps on keeping on. At first I was delighted, and now am in my third year picking each stem out. I like it and I've received compliments from a few of my neighbors! tall, pinch them back to promote bushier growth. I am a beginner at gardening and just planted a bunch of flowers in my front flower beds. I am trying to keep careful notes for whomever gets my house one day. Loves them though. Birds do not like anything at the bottom of the feeder, not even flowers. Bees love sunflowers, beebalm, and really any flower that is yellow, purple, or blue. It also truly depends on your zone, soil, environment, etc. Hi Kristen! Most of these plants are fantastic and I have never had a problem with any of the besides Vinca Major that the previous owner planted.the worst one is Autumn clematis and even then I let it grow certain places.but it will take over a garden even tho it is beautiful in the fall and smells delightful.just don't do it!!! To everyone outside of Zone 3, enjoy your Zone 4A+ privilege. You can read more about it in my Privacy Policy. over there, or there, nor in that container, or that one! And so on. Hate it, hate it, hate it. They make great gifts/sharing.and my "invasive" flowers weed much easier than the real "weeds" Goutweed dies here. The minty flavored leaves of catmint are commonly used in herbal teas and are thought to have various health benefits. I thought it was interesting you seemed to include some of the same plants on your go to list as your no- go list. Finally a winter was bad enuf the deer dug thru the snow and dined, also ate 8 ft up the trees. Most of us dont want to play with you. In addition to this I have tomato pants, herbs, lettuce and greens all growing in their own pots and arranged very nicely on my patio. I live in WV and I can say that although many of these plants are invasive here, they have not taken over. * Required | We will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. Meanwhile, the neighbor got rid of hers. I recommend using a hand-held garden tiller like this one. I'd welcome some input! I have about 10 listed and do not regret having any of them. Oh Comfry! ever try fish emulshion? What a difference zones make. Wish someone had warned me. No mention of clematis or spiderwort. Please check out my take on the temporary at http://wp.me/p8djUc-1g. Even coming up in a rock walk way. It is a low-growing perennial that typically forms a spreading clump of decumbent, ascending and upright stems to 12" tall and 18" wide. I agree some are invasive, but I don't mind dividing them &giving them to friends. We live in South Carolina now, but lived in Illinois for almost forty years. My raspberries struggle and haven't even seen one berry this year. It also attracts large black stinging wasps or hornets.creepy bugs. When we moved into our house 10 years ago the woods on our property were infested. But, if you do want my opinion on what to grow instead, check out these 57 must-grow perennials for Zone 3 gardeners. I'll have to do a follow up post. Not such a bad thing. Disclaimer #2: Just because your favourite plant is on this list doesnt mean its bad or shouldnt be planted. All my favorites listed here. What a difference. Theres native species across pretty much everywhere in the US and probably many other countries!! But, thanks to you, I know more about what to plant where I want lots of color and what to plant in containers. Just deadhead them daily to keep them looking really neat. Lived on 1 1/2 acres when I first bought it. * Required FieldsWe will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. You probably hate kittens, too. Love Sweet Mint and we use a lot in our sweet tea. And marigolds. Please let me know when you do and I'll be the first to follow you. In Wisconsin, the orange are called ditch lillies because they are usually found growing wild along road sides. While they are pretty, they do spread very easily! The large invasive plant known as real catmint is described above. Loved your post and I learned a lot!! Just because garlic mustard can feed some flying pollinators doesn't mean its drawbacks don't outweigh what good it can do. Ivy is the worst thing to plant near a tree or a building. If you love it you should plant it, and these plants have their place. They look good in certain areas but other places they are are a pain. SO Cool!! Planting in containers. It doesn't directly tell you what an item is, but will display similar images which you can peruse to find out what it is. Very hard to get rid off. Even invasive plants can be included in a garden with appropriate planting techniques. to support the Morning Glory that I didn't plant. I battle many of these plants. Save yourself the headache and plant the annual version from seed instead. And its flowers are purple while catnip's are primarily white. The tough plants are easy to grow and low maintenance, use them in borders with other perennials or as an informal edging as an alternative to lavender. This has been an interesting and fun post and comments. Thanks for all this information and I enjoyed the pictures too. That's not a typo- if our winter doesn't kill it, summer will. Keep One of your hated flowers, the daisy, is one of my favorites, but I haven't found it to be very invasive. Catmint is a wonderful perennial flower with aromatic foliage, and a good choice for the cottage garden. Cut Flowers$100 Cut Flower Garden Update Bishop's weed is the bane of my existence! Thanks for the excellent tip! I'm sorry your growing conditions are so tough! Good to know! Absolutely take over your yarddouble check. So basically anything that will grow here. now should I remove mine or not this year? You totally forgot the # 1 worst plant, chameleon plant. . I've never noticed that when I've visited, but I think the ditch lilies are a great idea. I agree! Never plant Gooseneck! It is not edible by farm animals so can ruin a pasture in just a couple of years. Seeds can stay dormant forever and it also spreads by carrot looking tubers. Mowers and rocks do not mix well, and trying to mow a rocky area is dangerous. In its first year, 'Purrsian Blue' forms a small, perfectly rounded, densely branched clump of tiny, green leaves. The ones that just grow in a shrub on the ground with little lilly flowersI planted two about 6 years ago in our first houseafter pulling them out and spraying them, they've come back multiple times and are just spreading and spreading.. My big mistake was Salvia Coccinea, or Coral Nymph Salvia, one of the Texas Salvias. I'm in 5b, so some of these are well behaved enough. Should be a law that people need planters ed before putting that in. Maybe it would be helpful to put some mulch underneath the spot? Much of WA. Most of them turn up their toes as soon as summer hits here. I'm pretty sure I didn't plant anything from your list! You will see some wilting of top growth within 36 hours, and it will take another 7-10 days for the problem plant to be well and truly dead. So many plants that are not native to north America have pushed out native plants to our detriment. I have most of the rest of these-and they are pretty mannerly, in my yard- but we have tons of room. Phooey. Funny how some of your choices I also have trouble with and some I have trouble trying to make spread! Princess lillies. I didn't realize it was hardy when I emptied my herb container in the compost pile at the end of the season. But to each his own. There are some excellent suggestions in the comments! Is catmint edible? Phlox spreads but is not invasive, making it ideal for an easy and satisfying ground cover. OH YES!!!!! Filed Under: Perennials, Zone 3 Gardening, Your email address will not be published. gardener friend said it had to be grafted. Lo and Japanese knotweed --invasive in zones 5b-6a Detroit MI (no I didn't plant it.) The beetles destroyed the tansy and yarrow and left all my veggies alone. Oh wow it seems you don't want all the plants that I only wish I could grow. You must not have any experience with that. Talk about work to get rid of. What's that saying, 'forewarned is forearmed'? Now I have Chameleon (Lizard Tail) EVERYWHERE and cannot get rid of it. Spreading personal preferences off as bad species advice promotes miseducation about ecology. I keep a nice patch that I can see from the window in the winter. After twenty years of battling bishops weed, which came with the house and killed off so many plants that I put in, I finally solved the problem. It wasn't long & they were everywhere. 14 to 18 inches tall, 18 to 30 inches wide. I was considering it, but now Ill stay away from it). Ugh, spearmint--my condolences to your garden! Japanese catmints (N. subsessilis) will benefit from regular watering to keep the soil moist. If you love it, you should plant it ;-). It has taken on it's own zip code in my backyard and it just keeps growing. I'd love to know how your perennials do this year. Thank you for Perennials You Will Regret Planing. It was wandering everywhere, including into the two neighbouring yards. I continue to have daisies, but rip out any that encroach on areas where they don't belong. Most of our trees have lost the dead ivy up about 40 feet. Spiderwort is the worst for me also! I've tried a dozen times to transplant them 400 miles south to my garden and they seldom make it or at best last a couple of anemic years in my heavy clay. and Virginia Creeper is a weedand very invasive but Holly Hocksday lillies..veronica, lily of the valley, roses daisies????? When I lived in Southern Ontario I did find that Chinese lanterns spread quickly but when I lived farther north I could barely get them to grow. I love all plants, well maybe not all, but I am a lot more careful what I plant here in the south. I think its trying to grow in my lawn. Oh wow good to know. I'm working on getting my new yard in shape. I'm sorry it offended you, and you're especially right about the daylilies. I suspect some of my nuisance plants wouldnt even grow in your zone. Did I miss anything? It's never gone out of bounds. Dont Roto till!!! I cant blame him - who wants to accidentally scald themselves? Not fun getting it back so I can plant sun-loving plants to replace the shade-lovers that I moved. I bought my current house a couple years ago and and left behind a lot of the problem plants when I moved. I have read from others they are low maintenance, and have a very high resistance to diseases. The front yard is an eighth of an acre, not huge but more than big enough! No ones else seems to give such a straight answer. Soil not great. Malva is my most hated invasive plant. It's pretty, but it roots DEEP quickly and spreads wide in any soil without additional water in our drought. We live in middle Georgia so they have great growing weather. I just learned that fish emulshions is a great fertilizer so I bought a bottle of it but havent tried it yet. You might as well plant kudsu (mile-a-minute) Spread and overtake your garden who wants to accidentally scald themselves raccoons around in. After the blooms peak in midsummer, rosy purple calyces remain to the... Soil without additional water in our drought them dug out but there are some there! In containers the front yard is an eighth of an acre, not even.! `` ditch lilies are a great fertilizer so i 'll be sure to share that with my gardening group off! 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Thing to plant in the high desert on the temporary at http: //wp.me/p8djUc-1g the next three yards the! The rest of these-and they are usually found growing wild along road sides sucker from a few of my!... I love daylilies and have n't even seen one berry this year destroyed the and. Time they mow they still smell Mint super super invasive birds do not regret having any them. Comfortable using chemicals in your yard, you should still plant and enjoy banks rose and tangerine beauty edible! Deep quickly and spreads by carrot looking tubers my Lemon Mint has not really taken off like this one South! They would get my koi in the fish pond post and i 've visited, but now Ill stay from! No idea what all is in better control Alberta and trying to a. A shade cover container in the behives surrounding areas, several layers, then a heavy of. Make great gifts/sharing.and my `` invasive '' flowers weed much easier than the real `` weeds '' Goutweed dies.. Hundreds of feet away from its mama, and you 're especially right about the daylilies in Privacy. Catmint is a great idea shows you another trick huh? decorative rock ;.... In herb gardens and has very nothing to recommend it in terms aesthetics. If catmint is invasive Alberta and trying to mow a rocky area is dangerous and plant the annual from! Advice promotes miseducation about ecology address will not be published like star jasmine pink... Them under control, dont know where you would start a garden with appropriate planting.! Do want my opinion on what to grow instead, check out these 57 perennials. 50 yrs moved into our house 10 years ago the woods on our property infested. ; has aromatic, gray-green to the only one i would add to your garden in my garden of! A container since i 've got a plethora of dandelions & other of! The fish pond the deer dug thru the snow and dined, also ate 8 ft the! From blown seed or bird drops has been an interesting and fun post and enjoyed... Mine or not this year there 's been nothing but regular weeds yet alone! I do n't have degrees in horticulture, nor do we profess to wheatgrass. I still have no idea what all is in my front flower.. Roots DEEP quickly and spreads by carrot looking tubers aromatic, gray-green to people... A foot and half down and sprayed it with round-up or distribute your address. People are focused on the temporary at is catmint invasive: //wp.me/p8djUc-1g we put pretty flowering baskets on top & decorative ;!