Crownsville's very first patients were 16 African-American men who were transferred from Spring Grove in 1911. Read more 0 (The Beacon, 1943) The accuracy of this report can not be confirmed. The 1843 report specifically mentions the fact that the new structure was erected in the same location as the original building. The nine members of the governor-appointed Board of Managers exercised full control over the institution. Psychiatric hospitals do still exist, but long-term health care for mentally ill patients is very limited. Private patients typically paid between three and five dollars a week ($150 and $260 per year) and this helped defray the costs of caring for the public patients. employee cottages (in the employee (Note: The old 'Joppa' or 'Philadelphia Road' in this part of the City was abandoned in the 1840s. ), as well as an excavation contractor. Abuse Administration, and other State agencies) was built in 1960 and was doubled in size through an expansion several years later. Patients were also directed into work and other Smith Building (also known as the 'Medical/Surgical Building') was constructed in 1975, and the parsley, sage, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and grapes. It has also been noted that Mr. Pratt donated, in addition to his time, several gifts to the Maryland Hospital over the years. [5], In 2014, Baltimore County plans on subdividing the hospital campus in order to create an 8.8 acre regional park for the Catonsville community. Furthermore, records from the period indicate that many, if not most, patients were routinely locked in their bedrooms at night while the nurses and everyone else, other than the men and women who served night as watchmen, slept.). For example, it was noted that a number of counties (Allegany, Calvert, Dorchester and Prince George's) collectively owed the hospital $1,489.05. Stone Cottages were built in and completed in stages between 1935 and 1941, and the This is possibly because Dr. Sprigg-Steuart has remained a somewhat controversial figure -- primarily due to the fact that his loyalty to the United States was called into question during the U.S. Civil War because he may have been a southern sympathizer. (The Pennsylvania Hospital did operate a free-standing affiliated psychiatric institute, the Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital, which was opened in 1841 and which closed in 1997. On October 7, 1872 the Maryland Hospital for the Insane officially relocated from its original site in Baltimore to its current site at Spring Grove. Other sources suggest that the new building may not have been completed until two years later, in 1800. The nature of the problem is described in the following passage from the 1877 report of the Hospital's Board of Managers: 'As originally constructed, each ward or hall in the hospital was supplied with water closets [flush toilets], the contents of which were conveyed, by underground pipes, into the stream which supplies the hospital with water.' Unfortunately, the fate of the building used by the Retreat between 1794 and 1798 is not known. Because the land values in the Hospital's now-urban neighborhood were fairly high, it would have been prohibitively expensive to have acquired significant additional amounts of additional land there. (This is the name that is used on what evidently was the original plan for the first floor the new hospital building in Catonsville, circa 1853.) Bland-Bryant Building (1930). After the building reverted to Spring Grove, it was used primarily to provide services to acute psychiatric patients. Although there were several major expansions of the building in later years, originally it had 18 patient care units or "wards" (later called "Halls") three floors, with three units en echelon on each floor of each wing. The center is owned and operated by the State of Maryland, and is under the . This volume will reveal through a broad array of poignant historic images the extensive, complex, and fascinating history of Maryland's oldest hospital. Get Directions CONTACT Mackenzie and Smythe, the hospital was usually able to accommodate 'about 40 lunatics [i.e., patients with mental illnesses] and 150 [other] patients, with general diseases.'. Similarly, maps from 1819, 1836 and 1853 show identical locations and approximately identical 'footprints' for the primary hospital building in each of these years, and drawings of the hospital from 1816, 1822, and 1847 appear to be almost identical. In the two years between 1834 and 1836, the patient population grew to 54 individuals -- 42 psychiatric patients, and 12 general patients. 55 Wade Avenue, Catonsville, Maryland 21228 USA410.402.6000. the Main Building. Chancellor, M.D. The oldest psychiatric hospital in the country is the Eastern State Hospital in Williamsburg, Virginia, which was founded in 1773 and remains in operation today as a psychiatric hospital. Click Here, Two years later, in 1814 a second lease of an additional 10 years was granted by the City of Baltimore to Drs. Few additional details about the Retreat are known. In 1813 admission to the City Hospital could be ordered or authorized by the chancellor of an entity known as the 'Chancery Court.' For example, it was noted that the water Many of the patients are forensic court ordered with the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene testifying before the General. Federal Hill Beyond the Views: Monumental City Tour,, Maryland Womens Heritage Center: A Behind The Scenes Tour, The New Lexington Market & Exploring the Neighborhood Around It, Mount Vernon Place: A Monumental City Tour. Convenient to DC, Baltimore and BWI airport, our 180-acre wooded campus feels more like a college setting. Three gatehouses, originally known as 'lodges,' were built at the three main entrances to the groundsduring Dr. Gundry's tenure, but the gates were typically left opened during the day, and the fences were intended to remind the patients of the Hospital's boundaries, and to afford greater privacy -- and not as barriers to escape. If you would like to comment on Spring Grove's History, or if you would like to suggest additions or corrections, please contact us at While no record of its proceedings are known to exist, the commission presumably continued to oversee the construction of the Spring Grove facility after construction was resumed in 1868, but progress was reportedly very slow. As noted above, while the name, mission and ownership of the 'Retreat' changed in 1798, it would seem that the 'new' hospital continued to operate, without interruption, in the same building that it had occupied since its inception in 1794 -- at least until patients were able to occupy the new (c.1798) building. The That figure represented 8% of the total number of the 130 patients at the Hospital on that date. The new movement, known as 'State Care,' took hold in Maryland between 1908 and 1810 and sought to substantially expand the capacities of the State hospitals so that the responsibility for the care and treatment of mentally ill citizens could be shifted from what was considered to have been the non-therapeutic, often substandard environments of the county-run homes, to the healthful and therapeutic State hospitals. It seems clear that it must have always been Captain Yellott's intent to convince the State and local governments to aid him in his efforts to build a larger hospital to replace his Retreat. Dr. Wade's successor, Dr. Robert Garrett, oversaw the purchase of an additional 108 acres. Some early records indicate that certain patients were permitted 'to go partially at large.' By all accounts, the lottery was very successful, and at least one historian has noted that a number of the lottery winners donated their winnings back to the State so that they could be applied to the expansion of the hospital. Guiding Principles Safe Environments Best Practices of Clinical Care and Treatment Professional Competency and the Highest Ethical Standards Promotion of Patient Rights and Responsibilities The report goes on to mention that the hospital was deeply in debt -- primarily to local banks, such as the National Bank of Baltimore and the Eutaw Savings Bank -- Steuart's buildings were demolished in 1963, replaced by more modern construction. Its wooden floor joists, some of which dated back to 1853, reportedly were rotten and at risk of collapsing; and it's heating, plumbing and electrical systems were dangerously outdated. However, a Report of the Board of Visitors in 1856 says that hospital's construction, up to 1819, was estimated to have been in excess of $200,000. The 'lodges' themselves, two of which are still standing (see Reportedly, his original intent had been to build his hospital on his 330 acre country estate, Clifton, north of the 19th-century Baltimore City limits. Enoch Pratt was among the distinguished local citizens who were affiliated with the Maryland Hospital in its early days. And there is again a psychiatric illness research facility in the same building where the LSD experiments once occurred. A number of local newspapers, including the [Baltimore] Sun, were known to have contributed subscriptions to the hospital's patients. Accordingly, the fact appears to be that by 1852 it had all but been decided that a new hospital would be built and that this new facility would need to be constructed at a location outside of the City of Baltimore. Foster-Wade Building (1914 and 1926) and the An annual report published in December 1877 (five years after the new facility opened at Spring Grove) notes that as of that time, the Maryland Hospital for the Insane at Spring Grove was treating 18 African-American patients, and by1896 it was caring for 45 African-American patients (24 male and 21 female).. (Delusional Disorder, PsychoticDepressions, and Paranoid Schizophrenia. Expansion of the Hospital continued into the early 1960s. Baltimore, MD 21201 By the end of November 1852 the commission had hired an architect,J.Crawford Neilson (J. Crawford Neilson (1816 - 1900) was a noted Baltimore architect and was one of the founders of the Baltimore chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Instead, it appears that that structure was built specifically for the purpose in 1798 (see 'Founding of the Hospital,' below). The hospital is now officially known as Spring Grove Hospital Center (renamed in 1973) and under the governance of the Mental Hygiene Administration, the facility operates 330 beds and provides advanced inpatient psychiatric services to approximately 1000 patients every year. 12 Staggering Photos Of An Abandoned Mental Hospital Hiding In Maryland There's no shortage of abandoned places in Maryland and today we're featuring one that's among the most disturbing. unless the organs involved were found to have been diseased. These were the so-called 'back wards.'. The research included investigations into the efficacy of shock therapy and pre-frontal lobotomy. Furthermore, the report says that, because of the war, 'the South' owed the hospital a debt of 'over $2,000.' The Rectory was the home of a priest accused of. This may have been a function of the fact that by 1834 the hospital buildings were in such a state of disrepair (see below) that the hospital was no longer able to accommodate the number of patients for which it had been designed. The Dairy House survived on the campus of Spring Grove until the early 1990s when it burned to the ground in a fire that may have been set by an arsonist. As noted above, contemporary reports indicate that when the State resumed full operating control of the hospital in 1834 it found that the building that housed it had been permitted to fall into serious disrepair. (Similar immunity had previously been granted to the Maryland Hospital, but could not be transferred to a new owner.) Spring Grove Hospital Center, Department of Psychology 55 Wade Avenue- Tuerk Building Catonsville, MD 21228 (410) 402-7830; For questions related to the program's accreditation status, please direct your inquiry to the Commission on Accreditation at: Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation Other ghosts who reside . For example, the board appointed all employees, from servants to physicians. The Maryland Board of Public Works will vote Wednesday on transferring the Spring Grove Hospital Center campus, including 175 acres and 77 buildings, to the neighboring university in Catonsville . Rehabilitation Building (a portion of which is also known as the 'Rush Building,' and now the headquarters of the Alcohol and Drug articles manufactured and 18,579 items repaired by patients. Colin Mackenzie and James Smythe, persuaded the Baltimore City Council to lease the hospital to them for a period of 15-years. Guests say she opens their drawers and removes the clothing from them. indicate that by that time African-American patients were segregated to certain (less desirable) sections of This evidently inflated estimate may have been made in the face of the fact that in 1856 consideration was being given to the possibility of selling the property -- and the Board of Visitors may have been attempting to make it appear that the site was more valuable than it actually was. One of the conditions of the lease was that 'the building be exclusively appropriated as a Hospital for the insane, and diseased persons of every description.' These newspaper expose's were complete with 'candid' photographs, and some of the photographs were taken, through the use of recently available portable flash-photography, during unannounced visits to the alms houses -- sometimes in the middle of the night. Thirty-six buildings on the grounds are still actively used. The plumbing in the bathrooms was immediately found to be of 'an inferior grade,' and had to be completely replaced within a few years, and early reports also note that a $4,000 upgrade in the heating system was necessary after it was found to have been grossly inadequate during the first winter the building was occupied by the hospital. Spring However, the State of Maryland did continue to exert some control over the hospital -- for example by making certain appointments to its board of directors. Weltmer Bowl, was build (reportedly entirely by patient labor) between 1936 and 1945. In that year a small group of men, headed a sea captain named Jeremiah Yellott, established what they called 'a Retreat' for the ailing mariners in Baltimore. According to a number of sources, the disagreement was over the fact that the Sisters refused to recognize that the decisions of the hospital's physicians were 'supreme' in all clinical and administrative matters. Some sources indicate that a dedicated building was erected specifically for the purpose by Captain Yellott in 1794. (Acts of 1797).A very significant public health concern in Maryland in the year 1797 was Yellow Fever. Find directions at US News . Spring Grove Hospital Center is located at 55 Wade Avenue, Baltimore, MD. Early reports indicate that by that time the abandoned roadbed of the 'The (Old) Joppa Road' (also known as the Old Road to Philadelphia) -- directly to the north of the original hospital building -- had already been purchased by the Hospital. The walls were sinking from water in the cellars, the floors, joists, plastering, painting, (outside as well as within) all, required renewing; the bath rooms, and water closets were few and in great decay; the furniture worn and insufficient.' When our [alcoholic] patients go into it, they will be its first occupants. Spring Grove has a history far deeper than the experimental 1960s. It was noted, for example, that the Hospital and it's farm used approximately 13,000 gallons of water a day in 1877 -- more, it was pointed out, than was supplied by the city of Lowell, Accordingly, despite oral history that supports its existence at Spring Grove, it is not clear if the 'Inebriate Asylum' ever actually operated at the site. There is evidence that the Centre Building and the East Wing, which had already been under construction (possibly since 1808), were completed later in, or shortly after, 1816. This page was last edited on 12 July 2020, at 11:19. Between 1836 and 1840, the patient population expanded rapidly. Contemporary references to the demolition of the 'original hospital' in the late 1830s are confusing in that the 1839 demolition of the 'original hospital' referred only to the demolition and replacement of just that portion of the west wing that had been the original hospital building in 1798. The members, together with their President, Dr. R. S. Steuart, were reinstated when the Democratic Party returned to power in Maryland, three years after the war's end. Records indicate that the old hospital, which by then was situation on 13-acres, was sold to Mr. Hopkins in 1870 for the sum of $150,000, although the net proceeds of the sale were only $133,318.67, after several deductions were made. The women's Sewing There were originally 18 wards - 9 on each wing, spread out over three floors. Furthermore, neighbors downstream complained of the smell and the fact that the stream was now heavily contaminated with raw sewage. Their efforts were rewarded when, on November 2, 1797 (Spring Grove's official 'birthday'), the Legislature passed an act to authorize the erection of the facility. Thereafter, a newly formed Department of Mental Hygiene took control of the Maryland state hospital system, including Spring Grove State Hospital. Moylan Building (originally known as the 'Children's Unit') in 1964. 'The American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children 26 (1892): 694-726.] In addition, records indicate that the hospital was badly in debt, in part because of low reimbursement rates and bad debt by the various Maryland counties, many of which had often simply failed to pay for indigent patients from their jurisdictions, despite a legislative requirement that they do so. It appears that the commission did not meet again until November 1867. The Main Building was designed in accordance with the Kirkbride Plan, which called for a monumental center section, and two large wings one for male patients and one for females patients. It was later echoed at the Spring Grove site by the Main Building (1852), the Foster-Wade Building (1914 and 1926), the Bland-Bryant Building (1930), and, more recently, the Tawes Building (1962.) The report went on to say that, it was noted that at that time (1836) there were 22 patients that required 'close' (i.e. Spring Grove Hospital Center, formerly known as Spring Grove State Hospital, is a psychiatric hospital located in the Baltimore, Maryland, suburb of Catonsville. In addition to the Main Building, buildings at Spring Grove that represented or evoked the Kirkbride plan included such buildings as the (See below. In 1840 the hospital expanded to exclusively care for the mentally ill. In the middle 1950's, Spring Grove became one of the first three state hospitals in the United States to become accredited by the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Hospitals (now the JCAHO). However, Spring Grove RN's who do not wish to apply for this this national certification can participate in the Spring Grove Hospital Center Psychiatric Nursing Certification program. The State also maintained ownership. Rice Auditorium (officially known as the Thomas-Rice Auditorium) was opened in 1936. The male staff members were paid ten dollars a month. No medical or financial records from the Public Hospital at Baltimore (Spring Grove's original name) are known to exist. Visit Spring Grove Cemetery daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (extended summer hours can be viewed on the website); admission and parking are free and pets are prohibited. Much of the rubble of the Main Building is located just under the soil of the open field that lies behind the Jamison Building, between the modern day Spring Grove Administration Building and the Laundry Building, and some of it was deposited as landfill behind the Hamilton Building (which was extant at the time that the Main Building was demolished). As head of the Chancery Court, the chancellor had the authority to commit to the facility those individuals who were referred to in the law as 'any lunatic, idiot or person insane.' Hillcrest Building (also known as the 'Criminal Building') still stands on the campus of UMBC. The circular lawn seen in front of the Main Building in the above picture exists today as the "island" at the center of the traffic circle near today's Administration Building on Ash Street. It should be noted that later references to the 'original building' (later, a part of the west wing) do not suggest that it was comprised of more than one original section, a circumstance that, in turn, would argue against any assertion that the earlier Retreat building was somehow incorporated into the 'original' 1798 structure. Besides these, there are a large number in the almshouses of the State whose condition demands early attention. The Maryland Board of Public Works on Wednesday approved the sale of the Spring Grove Hospital Center's 175-acre campus in Catonsville to the University . All rights reserved. However, several years later a decision was made to construct the MPRC Building on a hill at the northern end of the campus -- its current location. At the time, patients who were moved from the Main Building to the Preston Complex sometimes referred to the Preston Complex as 'Disneyland,' apparently because of the fact that its modern, somewhat freeform appearance stood in such sharp contrast to the aged, monolithic Main Building. Other sources suggest that the commission did not meet again until November...., the patient population expanded rapidly early days on each wing, spread over... Hospital to them for a period of 15-years the Retreat between 1794 and 1798 not... From Spring Grove Hospital center is owned and operated by the State of Maryland and. And James Smythe, persuaded the Baltimore City Council to lease the Hospital them. Pre-Frontal lobotomy them for a period of 15-years very significant public health in. 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