150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? Computers are allowed but not photography, so scholars spend most of the sessions in reading rooms typing up notes. 446. Fifty-three miles of shelving. The archives indexes are not publicand are only accessible to scholars once they are 75 years oldand they are housed in a fortress-like part of the Vatican. Last letter from Mary Queen of Scots to Pope Sixtus V in an exhibition of documents from the Vatican Secret Archives, 2012.  The document of excommunication of Martin Luther in an exhibition of the Vatican Secret Archives. What ever actions done to hurt or helpJews orNazis the Pope just turned a Blind Eye. WebSome conspiracy theorists believe that the Vatican is hiding proof that Jesus Christ did not exist. Some say that he supported Hitler, either in a manner similar to the Churchs support of Mussolini or perhaps even more substantially. It still falls under the rule if the Vatican. Being the smallest country in the worldonly 110 acres in area and with only about 1,000 official residentsmeans Vatican City is at the center of a number of mathematical anomalies. Beltane is an ancient Gaelic festival celebrating the beginning of summer and the renewal of life. 1. Apparently, ever since, the Vatican has kept all evidence of Aliens secret as to not discredit Christianity. It's only Christian for us, normal slave-type regular folk. Learn more about Erin and her work at erinblakemore.com. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, What's your favourite Fairy Tales (and their possible origins), Ancient Origins - Vatican City: The Tiniest Country with the Biggest Influence. Sadly, no orgies in this one either. The Vatican is a hotbed of crime Shutterstock Being the smallest country in the worldonly 110 acres in area and with only about 1,000 official residentsmeans Vatican City is at the center of a number of mathematical anomalies. Guardian News and Media, 16 Sept. 2010. For in truth, it is not evidence of aliens that the Vatican is hiding from the public eye but rather documents that may show the Church was complicit in Mussolinis state-sponsored terror and, possibly, even in Hitlers anti-Semitic pogroms. Some claim that in 1998, skulls with elongated heads and small faces, resembling the aliens from the Alien franchise, were found underneath the Vatican. http://mentalfloss.com/article/63850/15-historic-wonders-housed-vaticans-secret-archives. It's kind of a big deal. There are only On December 24, 1950, the words of Pope Pius XII resounded throughout the world in his Christmas radio message when he said: () The tomb of the Prince of the Apostles has been found! [14], Top 10 Misconceptions About The CatholicChurch, Shroud Of Turin: Research Suggest Jesus Image on Linen Cloth is Real, 10 'Secret Cities' That Were Kept Hidden From The Public, Top 10 Hidden Features Of Everyday Things, Top 10 Freaky Urban Legends Hidden In Songs, Top 10 Jaw-Dropping Hidden Spaces In London, Top 10 Grim Literary Classics With Hidden Whimsical Moments, Top 10 Stunning Photographs Of Hidden Gem Destinations, Top 10 Jaw-Dropping Hidden Spaces In Paris, Top 10 Easter Eggs Hidden in Disney Movies, Top 10 Children's Books with Hidden Agendas, 10 Amazing Artworks from The Mysterious Etruscans, Top 10 Completely Pointless but Still Controversial Arguments for Couples, 10 Dark Facts of the Korean War They Dont Teach You in School, 10 Times Famous Directors Made Unexpected Surprising Films, 10 Unsettling Unsolved Mysteries from the Old West, 10 Times Live Theatre Went Spectacularly Wrong, 10 Rare and Horrifying Neurological Disorders, Top 10 Interesting Facts about the Great Wall of China, Ten Real Reasons Behind Crazy Nautical Myths, 10 Obscure Farewell Albums Recorded by Dying Musicians, much of which is based on the face of the very handsome Cesare Borgia, Top 10 Women (Not Called Mary) Who Had A Virgin Birth, 10 Ways The Church Of Satan Might Surprise You. Three young shepherd children supposedly saw numerous visions from the Virgin Mary. The bank was created during World War II to avoid the restrictions placed on financial transactions by the Allies, and as a result the Vatican Bank, being exempt from such restrictions, became the "world's best offshore bank." It's pretty staggering to hear the Vaticanallegedly one of the holiest places in the worldhas a crime rate 20 times higher than Italybasically Pickpocket Disneylandbut you have to remember it's all about ratios and proportions. Bunch of IRL Friar Tucks, these boys. [8], In the small Portuguese city of Fatima. Whether it exists, or why the Vatican would keep such earth-shattering information a mystery, is unknown and disputed. When looking at the secrets held within Vatican City, perhaps the most logical place to start is the Vatican Secret Archives. Nothing speaks of greatness as much as the Renaissance period does. There is no Faith without the Cross March 25, 2023. The papal bull from Pope Leo X excommunicating Martin Luther. WebAnswer (1 of 34): Look at UTube on Iron Mountain security. Even today, conspiracy theories abound over its contentslike wacky speculation that the Vatican is hiding extraterrestrial beings inside. However, some people believe that the Vatican has at least one contemporary depiction of Jesus appearance. Top image: Some of the 50 miles of bookshelves in the Vatican secret archive Photo: The Vatican. For those "in the know" the Vatican has always been pagan, whatever that means. It boasts letters from well-known figures such as Abraham Lincoln and Mary, Queen of Scots. The fact that the cathedral is located in France is irrelevant. "What's Hidden in the Vatican Secret Archives?" As a Guardian article on a book by Harvard researcher Gerald Steinacher shows, some of the travel documents that ended up in Nazi hands were given out by an overwhelmedor occasionally over-sympatheticRed Cross, but many Nazi fugitives were knowingly assisted by the Vatican. In response, Pope Leo X wroteDecet Romanum Pontificem, a Papal bull that kicked Luther out of the Catholic Church. Apparently, soon after it was created, it was dismantled. It has been assessed to contain 53 miles (85 kilometers) of shelving, with 35,000 volumes in the selective catalog alone. The late Vatican Monsignor Corrado Balducci not only believed in the presence of alien intelligences already interacting with our planet, but also believed that the Vatican has been aware of it. No one knows if they are really the bones of St. Peter, scholars and skeptics, are, well, skeptical. ( public domain ). They have not been seen by the public since. The Vatican church, or the Roman Catholic church, has a long history of corruption and deception. The reason must be important, because the room the books are in is guarded. It allegedly worked by processing electromagnetic radiation leftover from past events and turning them into visual images and audio. The Controversial Lapedo Child A Neanderthal / Human Hybrid? Archaeological excavations in southern Italy have yielded a treasure trove of Greek artifacts from the ancient city of Paestum. All Rights Reserved. Whatever the case may be, it is theorized that such history-altering proof is locked away within the Vaticans Secret Archive. So, today, we will delve into the rumors and see just how many hold any water. They also contain some of the Catholic Churchs most impressive treasuresdocuments that date back from the eighth century. Even Pope Francis himself said people "must not hesitate" to see an exorcist in the case of "genuine spiritual disturbances.". These fascinating documents tell not just the story of the Church, but the rest of the world. Whatever the case may be, it is theorized that such history-altering proof is locked away within the Vaticans Secret Archive. The Vatican owns the most powerful telescope in the world. Following Allied victories in Germany at the end of World War II, Nazis suddenly found Europe a pretty inhospitable place for them and began to seek refuge elsewhere. Since that time, the Vatican bank has become pretty notorious for its connections to organized crime, who use the Vatican's sovereignty to escape the scrutiny of world banks. In Vatican City, the dedicated bishops of the extralegal tribunal who investigate these vicious sins are members of an elite squad known as the Apostolic Penitentiary. The Catholic Church has certainly let itself be corrupted & poisoned by the Secular World. In 2005, Sergio Pagano, the prefect of the Secret Archives, revealed why there has been reluctance to open all the archives. Not anyone can access the archiveits only open to scholars who undergo a thorough vetting process. While the public Vatican library was officially created in 1475, the library itself actually dates back to the origins of the Roman Catholic Church. Some of the less weird ones are Jesus foreskin, the actual, non-degraded body of Christ, or even the crown of thorns Jesus wore during his crucifixion. However, the 17th century was firmly of the mentality that common people should not be privy to words exchanged by kings and popes. At the same time the correct answer for the above question would probably be - never. The archives treasures are the stuff of legendbut their existence is absolutely real. On October 25th this year, the Vatican released a document that had remained in its secret archives for seven hundred years. 1. Unsurprisingly, the Vatican has been rumored to have all sorts of religious artifacts. The Vatican church, or the Roman Catholic church, has a long history of corruption and deception. If there is proof that Jesus didnt exist, its no wonder the Vatican would keep it hidden. It is more accurately translated to mean personal or private. It is enclaved within Rome , the capital of Italy . On October 25th this year, the Vatican released a document that had remained in its secret archives for seven hundred years. But reaching back to some of the Middle Ages' less savorypopesand through the Vatican's independence from Italy being granted in 1929 by notoriously chill dude Benito Mussolini, there are definitely some less than holy stains on the Vatican'shistory. WebThe Vatican document is the result of a sophisticated public relations campaign aimed at improving its image with both Jews and the American public by shirking responsibility for its crimes before, during and after the Holocaust while pinning all of the blame on others. Still, Kertzer admits, the Secret Archives are staffed by professionals, and theres an appreciation of serious historical scholarship. (OLoughlin, 2014). Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. Shaquille O'Neal attends the Big 12 basketball tournament championship game between the Texas Longhorns and Kansas Jayhawks on March 11, 2023 at T-Mobile Center in Kansas City, Missouri. WebThe Vatican document is the result of a sophisticated public relations campaign aimed at improving its image with both Jews and the American public by shirking responsibility for its crimes before, during and after the Holocaust while pinning all of the blame on others. Despite stealing over $20 million in donations, the Paulines still managed to default on over $4 million in church bonds. Known as the Chinon Parchment, its the size of a dining room table, and it documents the trials of the Roman Catholic military order for things like blasphemous behavior and heresy during the Crusades. This book revealed an inside look at the inner workings of the Vatican not normally afforded to the public, includingas The Huffington Post explainsevidence of widespread corruption and revelations the Holy See is home to rampant jealousy and backstabbing. VATICAN: Pope Exhorts all Priests to be zealous in the Sacrament of Confession March 25, 2023. Erin Blakemore is a journalist from Boulder, Colorado. The Porta Sant Anna, where visitors must pass through to reach the archives. Crux Catholic Media Inc., 01 Sept. 2014. Thirty-five thousand volumes of catalogue. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. They are only allowed to request three per day. Housed in one of the most iconic bastions of religion and culture ever, theVaticans Secret Archives are the stuff of historical legendbut their existence is absolutely real. By the time they were done, they had killed one million people. This supposedly culminated in a mass miracle involving the sun. The truth behind the secret archives stems from a mistranslation of Latin. I heard but don't know but that some of the scrolls from Library of Alexandria ended up in Vatican. Is this true? FRANCE: Massive Protests against Macrons assault on pensions March 25, 2023. In the book, it has instructions on how to make magic talismans and amulets, how to make magic spells, and even how to summon demons. Secretum, the Vatican says, translates more accurately to personal than to secret and refers to the private letters and historical records of past popes. In 2012, the Vatican Secret Archives put on a public exhibition of some of its most important documents in celebration of its 400th birthday. 2. VATICAN: Pope Exhorts all Priests to be zealous in the Sacrament of Confession March 25, 2023. From handwritten letters of historic personages such as Mary Queen of Scots and Abraham Lincoln to papal bulls excommunicating Martin Luther, the contents of the archives are enough to make any scholars eyes go wide. The project was theoretically funded by the Vatican for unspecified reasons. 1. In the video the Vatican has hypothetically speaking amassed a lot of evidence that would bring them down. On October 25th this year, the Vatican released a document that had remained in its secret archives for seven hundred years. Credit: The Vatican, According to Pope Francis, the Vatican Archives are no longer secret, instead theyre apostolic. In 2019 he decided to change the centuries-old title of the Archivum Secretum Vaticanum , the Vatican Secret Archives , to the Vatican Apostolic Archives because, Vatican News reports, in Latin both secretum (which means separate, private) and apostolicum (that is, belonging to the domnus apostolicus , who is only the pope) refer to the same reality, even juridical.. One of these is the Vatican has the highest crime rate of any country in the world, as the BBC reports. We have not been allowed to see them for some reason. And, for as long as it remains this way, we wont know for sure. Because the Vatican was just an investor and not the direct insurer, they didn't have to pay back any of the money they made in this scheme. Vatican Citys Necropolis Shows How Roman Non-Elites Lived and Died, Vatican City: The Tiniest Country with the Biggest Influence, Peters Tomb: A Mystery That Stretches From Rome To Jerusalem And Back, Saint Peters Basilica: A Magnificent Renaissance Icon, The 197-foot-long (60 meters) scroll containing the minutes of the, The 1521 papal bull of Pope Leo X excommunicating Martin Luther, A letter to Pope Sixtus V from Mary, Queen of Scots begging the Church to intervene shortly before her execution, Notes relating to the 1633 trial against Galileo, A letter to Pope Innocent X from Grand Empress Dowager Helena Wang of China. JESUS CHRIST Many conspiracy theorists believe the Archives contain correspondence between Saint Paul and Emperor Nero pertaining to Jesus existence and his biological descendants.Some theorists also believe the Vatican may be hiding proof that Jesus did not exist. As Gerald Posner explains in an opinion piece in the Washington Post, efforts to get the Vatican to involve themselves in restitution efforts or even to open their war-era archives have been roundly rebuffed since at least the Clinton administration. As a result, the real, historical Jesus would have looked nothing like what is portrayed in popular culture (much of which is based on the face of the very handsome Cesare Borgia). And because its the Vatican, theres plenty of sacred art to peruse, too. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! A letter from Pope Clement XII to the Seventh Dalai Lama requesting protection for Franciscan missionaries in Tibet. The archives were opened on March 2, 2020, but then closed shortly after because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Vatican is a hotbed of crime Shutterstock Being the smallest country in the worldonly 110 acres in area and with only about 1,000 official residentsmeans Vatican City is at the center of a number of mathematical anomalies. Are there things that arent being made available because theyre seen as unflattering from a Church point of view? said Kertzer. Her story is filled with drama, intrigue, and tragedy, and her influence on the course of English history is undeniable. As to Pius XII's deal with the Devil, oh, Mussolini; Pius probably thought that well if the Jews get persecuted theyll just do what theyve always done: move somewhere else better. This device was theoretically built by the worlds greatest scientists in the 1950s. It is the report of the official Church investigation into the activities of the Knights Templar in the early fourteenth century. no belief = no power, too many vested interests. In 2010, in response to increased public interest in the Secret Archives and myths perpetuated by Dan Browns bestselling book Angels and Demons, the Vatican allowed journalists totour it for the first time. Researching the Papal archives would be helpful but not always needed. If in just a few minutes they realize that what theyre seeking isnt in the requested folders, theyre forced to pack up for the day - a challenge for scholars on a deadline or those who have traveled long distances (OLoughlin, 2014). And, unless the Vatican makes all of its archive public, we will never know for sure. ETs are already here. As reported by The New York Times, members of a monastic order in Philadelphia known as the Paulines raised moneyin fact millions of dollarsfor religious projects such as saying masses, building shrines, and renovating a cemetery, and did not actually do any of those things. 446. But, until 1881, not even scholars of Christianity were permitted access to the archive. 2. It boasts letters from well-known figures such as Abraham Lincoln and Mary, Queen of Scots. While the Vatican claims the reason for this is how difficult it is to process the enormous bulk of documents within the Archives, conveniently this means any documents relating to Pope Pius XII's actions during the Holocaustminus the few released painting him in a favorable lightor the church's numerous abuse scandals are still restricted from view. Some are so bizarre, that it is unlikely that the common lay person has even heard of them. Setting aside conspiracy theories about aliens or Templar treasure and the abuse scandals you have definitely heard about, there are plenty of pretty gross things the pope and his pointy-hatted entourage would certainly prefer you not know about. To enter the archives, a scholars enter through the Porta SantAnna , pass Swiss Guards, walk through the Cortile del Belvedere , and present credentials (OLoughlin, 2014). O'Loughlin, Michael. "15 Historic Wonders Housed in the Vatican's Secret Archives. " In the light of allegations of aiding and abetting the Third Reich, laundering money for organized crime, smuggling gold to help overthrow regimes, and seemingly countless abuse scandals, the idea of misappropriating tens of millions of dollars seems positively quaint by comparison, but nevertheless, a scandal and subsequent cover-up regarding some spendthrift monks in the 1970s proved to be very costly for the Vatican in terms of both money and reputation. He concluded that the pope made deals with Mussolini to protect the Churchs interest in exchange for silence on state-sponsored anti-Semitism, a conclusion at odds with the Churchs account (OLoughlin, 2014). Shaquille O'Neal attends the Big 12 basketball tournament championship game between the Texas Longhorns and Kansas Jayhawks on March 11, 2023 at T-Mobile Center in Kansas City, Missouri. In the original Latin, the word Secretum doesnt literally mean secret, like it has been incorrectly translated as, but would more accurately be translated as personal. If this is true, then not only would it be undeniable evidence of Jesus existence from only a few years after Jesus death, but it would also give a rare look into such an old historical figures physical appearance. The fact that the Vatican's only supermarket reportedly sells wine duty-free probably doesn't hurt sales either. If there is proof that Jesus didnt exist, its no wonder the Vatican would keep it hidden. So why are the information regarding the holly lance including the artifact itself left hidden. But as History points out, the Archives aren't really secret in the sense of being hidden from people; the word "secret" in this case means something closer to "private," because officially they house paperwork and correspondence relating to the pope. According to Father Amorth, John Paul II tried and failed to drive a demon out of a woman who was brought before him in St. Peter's Square screaming, writhing, and drooling in 2000. The Vaticans Personal Archive sparks much less intrigue, and for good reason. claimed to have performed a staggering 130,000 exorcisms, residents of the Vatican consume more wine. Her work has appeared in outlets like The Washington Post, National Geographic, The Atlantic, TIME, Smithsonian and more. WebSome conspiracy theorists believe that the Vatican is hiding proof that Jesus Christ did not exist. Kerry Sullivan has a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts and is currently a freelance writer, completing assignments on historical, religious, and political topics. However, if they do have proof of Jesus existence, then who knows why they would keep such information under-wraps. The most famous of the Vatican-Mafia scandals, however, is the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, an Italian bank in which the Vatican was the main shareholder and which it used to launder money for the Mafia. That said, the gross number of crimes isn't exactly low, either. JESUS CHRIST Many conspiracy theorists believe the Archives contain correspondence between Saint Paul and Emperor Nero pertaining to Jesus existence and his biological descendants.Some theorists also believe the Vatican may be hiding proof that Jesus did not exist. Once an interested party has proven that he or she is a serious enough scholar, credentials are granted that must be renewed every six months. This doesn't mean there's more crime in the Vatican than any other country, just that more crimes per capita happen there (roughly one and a half crimes per person), and the gross number of crimes doesn't have to be that high for the ratio to become a pretty wild-sounding statistical outlier. 1. Web. Web. However, most alarmingly, it even offers instructions as to how to summon the devil himself and make a deal with him. Mystery and intrigue are inherent to the Holy See. In 2012, Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi published a book called His Holiness: The Secret Papers of Benedict XVI, which was made up of pieces of private correspondence and other classified documents of the then-pope leaked to Nuzzi by Benedict's personal butler. WebAnswer (1 of 12): What an odd question ! 231 depositions on 60 mets of parchment, a part of the exhibition of documents from the Vatican Secret Archives. The pagan traditions associated with it have survived through the centuries, with many still What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? Italy, Perhaps the most disappointing theory, and possibly, by far the most likely, is the idea that the Vaticans Secret Archive holds no earth-shattering secrets at all. However, in recent years the Vatican has become a bit more open with its secrets. She was finallysentenced to death for conspiring to murder Queen Elizabeth I, her Protestant cousin. And in 2019, Pope Francis announced that the Vatican will open its archives on Pius XII. The Guardian . The Vatican claims that this is because of a supposed 1,000-year-old curse for those who disturb the peace of St. Peters tomb. Has a long history of corruption and deception Secret, instead theyre apostolic Vatican, theres plenty sacred! Out of the scrolls from Library of Alexandria ended up in Vatican the of... Treasuresdocuments that date back from the Virgin Mary within Rome, the prefect of the from... Per day were done, they had killed one million people that it theorized. Kertzer admits, the Secret archives stems from a Church point of view per day supported Hitler,.. Vatican for what is the vatican hiding reasons, whatever that means 15 Historic Wonders Housed the. 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